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The McBurns

A family in the village The Crook of Devon, later found to consist of Deer People.   Noatbly not half-deer half-human, but rather deer that sometimes look like people.


A close knit family of about two dozen.   Robert McBurns is the de-facto leader, as he was the one who made the initial arangement with Gregor.   Most of the family "keeps themselves to themselves", but Shiela McBurns found herself fond of Thomas Cooper during her twilight roaming, and thus the family married into the townsfolf of The Crook of Devon.


The older generations of the McBurns moved from the forest into the village a few decades ago and as such are more skittish, and secretive.   However the younger generation grew up in the the village, and are ore open to new ideas. They can often be found conversing with villagers during the twilight hours they are most active.

Public Agenda

A quiet polite family, which is very welcome in the village. Always has someone at any major town event, and will always help when asked.


A small home in the center of town, used by the "center tree" of the family.   A few hand made buildings around the town edges, with large gardens that open out to the forests.   Enough money to never come up short, though no descernable soure of income.


The family were originally "just deer" (an offensive phrase if ever there was one), but living in such a magical forest they were able to learn to camoflage themselves as the creatures that hunted them most: humans.   When the family came to the attention of Gregor, he naturally became curious, and opened his arms to them.   Once joining the village the family mostly kept to itself, seeing it as more of an oddity than anything else, but as newborns were taken into the town they found they were almost as confortable with the townsfolk as they were with other forest folk.   Eventually Shiela McBurns married Thomas Cooper, a monumentus occasion, as the family truely found themselves entwined with the town.

Mythology & Lore

Drinking from The Fountain of Life gave the family the minds to evede and eventually outwit predetors. Amd when predetors became wiser, and their faces changed, the family was allowed these new faces by The Old One.

Tenets of Faith

Kill only in mercy.   Protect the family.   Flow with Nature.


Kindness. Care. Protection. Gratitude.


Those with Child must drink from the fountain so that their child may too be of the family.

Granted Divine Powers

Fake Face.

Tread Lightly, Flee Fast.

Notable Family members

  • Robert McBurns
  • Shiela McBurns
  • Type
    Alternative Names
    Fauna Folk, Deer People.
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