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The wolf that cried wolf

General Summary

Night of The Wedding (night of the 27th October 1710)  
  • Steve Van Helsing
  • Lost in woods
  • Sleeps in some leaves
  • Group
  • Plans to go investigate witches tomorrow
  • Rima hears a faint cry for help from wolf
  • Next night (night of the 28th October 1710)  
  • Steve Van Helsing
  • Wakes up and feels uncomfortable in "pile of leaves" (feels like when he used to have blood)
  • Discovers tiny spots of burnt flesh across his body... From the sun through the leaves (but only under his clothes)
  • Takes 2 damage
  • Gets new paranoia based around "the sun is out to get me"
  • Walks on a path towards a glow (where there might be people)
  • Rima
  • Wakes up with worry because the cry for help continued throughout the night and day
  • Hungry and stressed, he desperately feels he needs to help and he is also hungry and not thinking clearly
  • Tries to take one of the horses near the cottage
  • Keller Ridpath & Will
  • Wake up and bump into each other
  • They hear a horse sound and go to investigate and find Rima struggling to steal a horse
  • Rima, Keller, & Will
  • Rima fails to control the horse (which belongs to Keller, named Jezebel) and gets kicked in the chest, gets 2 damage
  • Keller Ridpath goes to control his horse, horse does not behave and is still erratic
  • Jezebel tries to charge and kick Keller, Keller Ridpath RKOs the horse and tries to calm her
  • Will Drummond decides not to get involved and watches
  • Jezebel starts calming down, but is staring at will
  • Will Drummond goes to Rima calmly, while making strong eye contact with the horse.
  • Rima tries to get up, while Keller Ridpath lets go of the horse, and the horse charges at Will Drummond while Rima is in the middle
  • Keller Ridpath and Will Drummond both try to move Rima out of the way but they are pulling him head and feet in opposite directions, while the horse charges
  • Will Drummond drops Rima’s legs, Keller Ridpath lets go and headbutts the horse and faints on top of Rima
  • Keller Ridpath tried to lift horse and drops it back on Rima
  • Keller Ridpath gets an idea to go speak to the newly married Deer People because they are "similar to horses"
  • Shiela McBurns opens the door, just getting up, semi naked, Keller Ridpath explains the situation and asks her for help. She is confused and suggests Keller Ridpath find a stable hand and slams the door
  • Keller Ridpath has an idea to find a blacksmith
  • Will Drummond throws a rope towards Rima's free left hand (right hand is trapped under horse), Rima tries to use Prescence to bend the horse to his will
  • Rima uses Prescence and screams at the horse to make it feel his anger
  • Keller Ridpath finds blacksmith
  • Will Drummond throws rope on horse’s head,
  • Horse understands fear of Rima and gets up clumsily and starts running away, Will's rope is trapped on the saddle, but he lets go
  • Horse runs towards Keller Ridpath and Mr John McKenzie (blacksmith), the blacksmith plants himself and takes the horse head on, he lifts the horse by the front and the horse flails until it is tired and . Keller Ridpath is impressed
  • Rima and Will Drummond get up and Keller Ridpath admires Mr Mackenzie
  • Rima gets some hay and heads to the second horse, and calmly feeds and strokes to calm the horse then gets on clumsily and painfully, then starts
  • Keller Ridpath mounts his horse and follows Rima, and Will Drummond grabs the rope attached to Kellers horse and gets dragged
  • Will Drummond tries to climb up the rope to get on horse, Keller Ridpath grabs Will Drummond and launches him to the other horse, his strength tears the saddle on Kellers horse as he was grabbing it then he also realises hes lost skin on his hand from rope burn after being thrown
  • Wills hunger increases
  • Rima ignores Will, Will Drummond and Keller Ridpath argue
  • They encounter Steve Van Helsing on the path
  • Steve Van Helsing ends up on Kellers horse somehow
  • They reach a small village with a huge bonfire, the people inside are calm and they are wearing tight fitting brown leathery outfits, women’s clothing, and they are all bald. There is no exposed skin below the neck, and no one has eyebrows
  • Keller Ridpath recognises the people as witches, and tells everyone as a whisper
  • What Rima/Keller Ridpath knows about Witches
  • Poses magic which can affect Vampires, so they can
  • Gregor thought witches were a joke
  • Witches are only humans and they are strong in specific areas, e.g. The village would have some magical fortification
  • Rima sends a psychic signal to his wolf and feels that she is less panicked but still afraid, the situation is less urgent
  • Rima signals to everyone that they should find somewhere to talk and guides them somewhere in the woods
  • Rima gets off the horse with the help of Will Drummond and crumples on the ground as the adrenaline dies down
  • Rima then guides Will Drummond successfully on how to fix his ribcage but he had to put his fingers into Rima and he gets bloody hands
  • Rima thinks the hand is food and starts licking the wounds Will Drummond has from the robe burns, but Rima resists
  • Witches info
  • We don’t know anything about Witch structure/culture
  • About 15 huts in the village so atleast 15 witches
  • Keller Ridpath and Steve Van Helsing start building an effigy to burn to draw out the witches
  • Rima looks for some natural materials in the wood that have effects with fire, but they have been mysteriously all removed from where they would normally appear, only empty patches remain
  • Report Date
    09 May 2022
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