Udar's Curse (Fish Psychosis) Condition in The Vast Sky | World Anvil
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Udar's Curse (Fish Psychosis)

In some parts of the world there have always been fish attacks. These attacks are, however, increasing in frequency and spreading to areas that have previously never been attacked. The fish don't seem to attack for food. They seem to erratically try to go upwards. They seem scared, like they're running from something...


There seems to be no clear cause for this behaviour. Many point fingers to an old folk legend, the story of Udar, Banished God, hence the name of the disease.


Affected fish become restless and nervous. They lose their sense of self-preservation and attempt to escape the clouds upwards. In the process some even throw themselves down into the abyss beneath the clouds.   There are groups whose symptoms are extreme. Cephalopods such as octopi and predators such as sharks exhibit much more aggressive behaviours, attacking anything in their vicinity, including sky whales.

Hosts & Carriers

I need like 90 more words and I just can't get them while staying in-world so I'll just be blunt: Udar, a giant octopus, is waking up and coming for the islands. The fish sense it's presence and are going crazy, attacking the islands as they try to flee. I really just can't get enough words into this article. It's a pretty simple concept. I just didn't want to, like, reveal all this info upright in the main article because I wanted that to be what the Cloud Folk know about the "curse", but I need 300 words so here we go I guess.


This behaviour was first observed only a few months ago.   Research shows that the first affected fish were the smallest ones. As the psychosis progresses, bigger and bigger fish fall to the disease. Sky whales, fortunately, do not yet show any symptoms.

Cultural Reception

Fear is spreading throughout the islands. Defences are being strengthened and critical areas evacuated.
Chronic, Acquired
Affected Species

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