Battle of Ganisha

Many battles have been waged in the war between the Kingdom of Luorra and the Scarlet Dominion. Most are bloody and phyric in their victories, both sides suffer many losses every time. However, no battle has amounted to the number of casualties as the Battle of Ganisha. This battle caused an immediate ceasefire and truce as a 3rd party forced the Kingdom and Dominion to work together to defeat them.


One thin strip of land connects the two land masses that make up the Veil. On each lies the Kingdom of Luorra and the Scarlet Dominion respectively. This isthmus, called Ganisha, is a strategic holding that the Kingdom and the Dominion have vied for over the years, neither successfully capturing it nor taking hold. It is well known that whoever controls Ganisha shall have an upper hand in the war.


The generals of the Luorran military came up with a plan to take Ganisha during the day when the Vampires, who make up the bulk of the Dominion army, were unable to interfere. They did not plan for the contingencies that were in place and walked right into a trap. The ambush sprung by the Dominion's Vitae Corp, after the initial shock seemed to be fairly even matched. However, it was a long battle and many bodies were left to litter the ground. It lasted so long that the Dominion's main forces were able to arrive. A night fight was what the Luorrans were trying to avoid but once it was inevitable they stayed the course and attempted to win.


The battle was bloody, bodies scattered across the land, and the lake that guards Ganisha's western flank was stained crimson. Neither side was ready for what was to come. A tear in the Veil ripped open allowing the denizens of the Umbral Expanse to cross over, from this tear came a massive Umbrae that is called a Desecrator. All the dead around the lake and within were infected by the Desecrator and rose again as undead under it control. The battlefield shifted massively, now the Luorrans had to fight against the Dominion and their fallen comrades while avoiding being stepped on by the massive Desecrator. The Dominion had to fight Humans and their kin who were more empowered due to the descration.


The leaders of both armies realized that the only result would be death for them all if the Desecrator was not dealt with. A truce, an allegiance of convenience, was brokered. Together they worked to fell the Desecrator, which rapidly decayed upon its death. With heavy losses on both sides and having just fought together, the Kingdom of Luorra and the Scarlet Dominion decided to call a ceasefire and for both parties to retreat. Now Ganisha is still up for grabs however the crimson lake with a tear to the Umbral Expanse is still active. Undead umbrae prowl around keeping both nations busy with repelling them away from their territory proper. The war is still on but both nations will think twice before attempting to take Ganisha again.

Conflict Type

Cover image: The Veil Banner by Miles Powell


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