
I hear the rumors that they whisper in the hidden places. They believe that one among them is hiding a doppelganger, the birth of twins always stirs such superstition.
— Voice of Keeper Sikia, They Who Hear

Changelings, also known as Doppelgangers, are the children of Aeon created to be a bridge between the Dawnborn and Duskin. They are beings suffused with Aeonic Magic, allowing them to shapeshift into other beings that have the same natural body structure. Some have abilities that go beyond simply shapeshifting, but this requires a desire to hone their innate magics and lots of time and practice.

Most Changelings live tumultuous lives as no place is truly safe for them. They are hunted and persecuted due to the actions of a Changeling Witch eons ago. It usually takes exceptional circumstances for a Changeling to survive puberty. Lately, rumors of a Changeling safe haven have not only given hope to the Changelings in hiding, but have stirred the Church and other powerful entities to increase their expositing efforts.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Changelings are able change their sex at will given their shapeshifting abilities. However Changelings in a female form cannot give birth, therefore many changelings when they ready to have children assume a male form and find a human mate. Reproduction in this way always results in twins, one human and one changeling. Which child is the changeling is unknown till puberty.

Growth Rate & Stages

Changelings grow at the same rate as humans until they hit puberty around 12 or 13 cycles old. This is when the innate Aeonic Magic within awakens. All the same pubescent events happen except with the addition of uncontrollable shifting. As a result of the magic awakening their actual aging slows as well even though they may take a form that is younger or older.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Changelings are innate aeonic beings, they are able to shift into any humanoid form they can envision. Some are able to bend fate and reality to their will with lots of time and practice harnessing their innate magic.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

Changelings, although when born assume the sex of their twin, are not bound by gender binaries or even the existence of genders. It depends where and how they were raised but once independent, most Changelings take on a form that feels right to them, there is a freedom that comes with presenting as who they truly are.

Scientific Name
Homo mutatio
Discovered by
Character | Dec 28, 2023

Cover image: The Veil Banner by Miles Powell


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Dec 29, 2023 12:53 by Elspeth

I like this! Are there restrictions to how much they can change their appearance? For example, if they came across something with horns or a tail, could they change to look like that?

So many worlds to choose from...
Dec 29, 2023 19:46 by Jared Richardson-Rushin

Thanks! Also, there is no restriction on how much but there is a restriction on the body type it has to be humanoid and there are no humanoids with horns or tails (except Werewolves but that's in their transformed state). Also them changing their appearance does not change the clothes they wearing etc.

When you’re writing you’re trying to find out something which you don’t know. - James A. Baldwin

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Dec 29, 2023 20:10 by Elspeth

Ah! That makes sense. Love it. :D

So many worlds to choose from...
Jan 15, 2024 03:36

It's always nice to see shape shifters with a little bit of cultural depth. I'm mulling over options for my own shape shifters. The hard part is making them powerful enough to not be curb stomped by suspicious humans but not so powerful that by rights they should be ruling the world like the Dominion of Star Trek DS9.

Jan 23, 2024 22:12 by Jared Richardson-Rushin

Thanks! They are one of the 3 main species I def want to flush out more of the culture throughout the eras and make sure they are more than just the scary doppelganger.

When you’re writing you’re trying to find out something which you don’t know. - James A. Baldwin

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