
The heavy and steady hand of the Church is swift to condemn and slow to forgive.

The Kingdom of Luorra has the largest military in the Veil and the Scarlet Dominion has the craftiest military. Still, the Hallowed Order of the Triumvirate, the Church, has the most dedicated and highly trained soldiers in all of the Veil. The Justicars are the militant arm of the Church, they protect the Church's interest and its clergy with an iron fist. They are highly trained, devout, and disciplined, many of them have been bred for this express purpose. Most are Oridan but even those who are not are a force to be reckoned with. Justicars have express permission from the Church to do whatever is necessary to protect and enforce the will of the Church and its people.


As with most things, morality is a spectrum and though the Justicars are judge, jury, and sometimes executioner they are not all bad or good. Many see the Justicars are appointed people doling out punishment to those who deserve it while others may run and hide when they hear that a Justicar is coming to their town. There are many stories of Justicars ridding a village of their werewolf menace and just as many stories of Justicars condemning a whole town for their heresies.


The most common rank for many Justicars is the Justicar rank, no longer a student and not yet a master. Justicars (rank) have full permissions to complete their duties as they see fit, they answer to no one but their superiors. Adepts are Justicars in training, they are only allowed to fulfill their duties accompanied by a full Justicar. Above them all are the High Judges, the most powerful and influential Justicars. A High Judge moves with a retinue of Justicars and when they do the wake they leave is heavy.

Overall training Level

Cover image: The Veil Banner by Miles Powell


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Aug 5, 2024 23:57 by Marjorie Ariel

I particularly like the paragraph on morality. This is all too often what happens when an organization lacks checks and balances.