The Breach

To the far east beyond the Deadwood Forest is a region beset by Umbrae. Years before the Fall of Aeon a tear, a thinning in the veil that allows creatures from the Umbral Expanse to cross over, was left unattended, and being left to fester it grew at an exponential rate. All manners of creatures crossed over and began to torment the denizens of the Veil. One of the first acts of the Scarlet Dominion was to quarantine the area of origin, afterwards, the area became known as the Breach.


Most known tears in the veil have happened after the Fall of Aeon, but the Breach was created many years before. How this tear went unnoticed for so long is unknown, but due to being ignored, it spread until it became uncontainable. After the Scarlet Dominion was established one of their first acts was to construct a massive blood circle chain within the Deadwood Forest. This chain keeps most of the Umbrae from passing through the Deadwood into the Dominion proper.


The Scarlet Dominion kept the existence of the Breach a secret from the Kingdom of Luorra and the Church for a long time. However, eventually, the news of this region became common knowledge. A race to gain a foothold in the new "unclaimed" region began. Research into the Breach itself, the Umbrae, and the Umbral Expanse was accelerated but it is a dangerous endeavor. Not only is the land overrun with Umbrae but many battles between the Kingdom and the Dominion have taken place in the sea surrounding the Breach and the islands that precede it. Typically now mercenaries from all over are hired by the world powers to enter the region and obtain anything they can that may give more insight into the nature of Umbrae and the Expanse.


Cover image: The Veil Banner by Miles Powell


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