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Aeternis, the Mother of Endings, is a unique and formidable deity who collects memories and collaborates closely with Nelous to judge the lost souls in the Under Sanctuary. Many sinners, killers, and the abhorrent pray for her divine justice and mercy when they face her, seeking a holy death. Revered and feared, Aeternis' influence extends to those who work directly for her, delivering lost souls for her judgment. They believe Aeternis embodies true justice and mercy, never failing them.   Story:   Aeternis was born from the need to punish the souls of the damned, emerging as a powerful entity in the Under Sanctuary. She dedicated herself to collecting memories and ensuring the fair judgment of souls. In close collaboration with Nelous, she took on the role of judge and arbiter for those who descended into the Under Sanctuary. Her mission is to deliver divine justice and mercy, maintaining the balance of life and death and ensuring that the souls of the departed are judged fairly according to their deeds.   Prayer:   "Heavenly Mother, my keeper and guardian, I confess my heart's darkness. Forgive me, for I have succumbed to earthly desires. Cleanse me of my sins and cure me of my flaws. I await your conviction so that I may spread your glory to others."   Legacy:   Aeternis' legacy is one of profound impact and enduring influence in the realm of the dead. As the Mother of Endings, she is seen as the ultimate arbiter of justice and mercy, ensuring that the souls of the departed receive their due judgment. Her role in the Under Sanctuary is crucial, as she works tirelessly alongside Nelous to maintain the balance of the afterlife. Those who invoke her name do so with a mix of reverence and fear, knowing that she embodies the final and unerring judgment that all souls must face.   Her followers, deeply devoted to her cause, believe that Aeternis' judgment brings both closure and salvation. They see her as the true embodiment of justice, delivering both punishment and mercy as needed. This belief has led to a strong culture of devotion, where offerings and prayers are made to Zera in the hope of securing her favor. Her legacy is also marked by the influence she wields over those who serve her directly, guiding them to deliver lost souls for judgment and ensuring that the cycle of life and death remains unbroken. Through her actions and the faith of her followers, Aeternis continues to be a central figure in the spiritual lives of many, symbolizing the ultimate end and the promise of just resolution in the afterlife.   Aeternis' Punishment   Aeternis, the Mother of Endings, is revered not only for her mercy but also for her unyielding sense of justice. As the judge of lost souls in the Under Sanctuary, she is responsible for delivering punishment to those who have led lives filled with sin, malice, and corruption. Her punishments are both feared and respected, as they serve to maintain the balance and integrity of the afterlife. Nature of Punishment   The Undying Fields: Souls deemed irredeemable by Aeternis are sent to the Undying Fields. Here, they are subjected to endless toil and suffering, mirroring the pain and hardship they inflicted on others during their mortal lives. This punishment is a form of eternal labor, with no rest or respite, symbolizing the continuous burden of their sins.     Reflection of Sins: Aeternis ensures that souls face the consequences of their actions by making them experience the pain they caused. This reflection is not just physical but also emotional and psychological. The souls relive the anguish and despair of their victims, fostering an understanding of their wrongdoings.   Isolation: For those whose sins are rooted in betrayal and deceit, Aeternis imposes a punishment of isolation. These souls are separated from others, left to wander alone in a void. This isolation serves as a reminder of the trust they shattered and the loneliness they created for others.     The Whip of Truth: Aeternis' symbol, the whip crossed over a black raven, signifies her method of delivering truth and justice. The whip is said to lash out at souls, unraveling their lies and deceit. This punishment is both physical and symbolic, stripping away the falsehoods and exposing the soul’s true nature.     Purpose of Punishment   Aeternis' punishments are not merely retributive but are also meant to offer a path to redemption, albeit a difficult one. By enduring these trials, souls have the opportunity to comprehend the gravity of their actions and, in some cases, may seek forgiveness and transformation. Aeternis' ultimate goal is to uphold the balance of the afterlife, ensuring that justice prevails and that the cycle of life and death remains unbroken.

Divine Domains

Under Sanctuary

Holy Books & Codes

The Code of Death   The Code of Death is a sacred text revered by the followers of Aeternis, the Mother of Endings. This code outlines the principles and practices that guide the lives of those devoted to her and serves as a moral and spiritual compass for dealing with matters of life, death, and judgment. Here are the key tenets of the Code of Death:   Embrace the End: Accept death as a natural part of the cycle of life. Do not fear the end, but prepare for it with dignity and honor.   Deliver the Damned: Seek out and bring forth those who have committed grievous sins. Ensure that their souls are delivered to Aeternis for judgment.   Honor the Memory: Collect and preserve the memories of the departed. Through memories, the legacy of each soul is honored and their existence acknowledged.   Seek Justice: Uphold the principles of justice in all actions. Punish the wicked and provide mercy to those who show true remorse.   Pray for Mercy: Regularly offer prayers and rituals to Aeternis, asking for her mercy on behalf of oneself and others. Seek her guidance in times of moral uncertainty.   Support the Bereaved: Aid those who are grieving. Offer comfort and support to help them cope with the loss of loved ones, and guide them in honoring the deceased.     Guard the Sanctity of Death: Protect the integrity of the afterlife. Ensure that the process of passing on remains uncorrupted and that souls are not wrongfully disturbed.   Live with Purpose: Strive to lead a life worthy of a noble judgment by Aeternis. Act with integrity, compassion, and righteousness to ensure a favorable end.   The Code of Death is not just a set of rules, but a way of life for Aeternis' followers. It shapes their actions, their beliefs, and their understanding of the world beyond. Through adherence to this code, they seek to embody the values of justice, mercy, and reverence for the cycle of life and death.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The divine symbol of Aeternis, the Mother of Endings, is a powerful emblem that embodies her role as the arbiter of the afterlife and the bringer of divine justice. The symbol consists of a whip crossed over a black raven.

Tenets of Faith

The Damned Shall Be Punished: All souls that have committed grievous sins and wrongdoings must face justice. There will be no mercy for those who have acted with malice and caused suffering.     Seek Redemption Through Confession: Confession and acknowledgment of one’s sins are the first steps towards seeking redemption. True repentance is essential for any chance of receiving Aeternis' mercy.     Respect the Cycle of Life and Death: Honor the natural cycle of life and death. Death is not to be feared but accepted as a part of existence. Aeternis’ judgment ensures the balance and continuation of this cycle. Deliver the Lost Souls: Those who serve Aeternis must aid in guiding lost and wandering souls to her realm, ensuring they receive the judgment and resolution they deserve.


The Day of Mercy is a significant holiday dedicated to Aeternis, the Mother of Endings. Celebrated during the darkest night of the year, this solemn day is a time for reflection, repentance, and seeking Aeternis’ divine mercy. It is a day when the veil between the living and the dead is believed to be thinnest, allowing for the most profound connection with the Mother of Endings.   Rituals and Traditions:   Offerings and Altars: Families create altars in their homes to honor the deceased. These altars are adorned with candles, flowers, and personal mementos of lost loved ones. Offerings such as food, drink, and tokens of remembrance are made to Aeternis, asking for her mercy and forgiveness for the souls of the departed.     Midnight Vigil: As night falls, a midnight vigil is held. People gather in silence, lighting candles and reciting prayers to Aeternis. The vigil is a time for introspection, where individuals confess their sins and seek redemption. It is believed that Aeternis’ presence is strongest during this time, and her judgment can be felt by those who open their hearts to her.   Acts of Kindness: In the spirit of seeking mercy, people are encouraged to perform acts of kindness and charity throughout the day. Helping the needy, forgiving past grievances, and showing compassion to others are seen as ways to honor Aeternis and demonstrate a commitment to her tenets. Communal Feasts: The day concludes with a communal feast, symbolizing the unity and support within the community. Hearty meals are shared, and stories of the deceased are told, keeping their memories alive. The feast is a celebration of life, death, and the continuous cycle that Aeternis oversees.
Sanguine and unforgiving
Raven Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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