BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


In the vast tapestry of the cosmos, where stars whisper secrets and planets dance in eternal orbits, there exists a celestial serpent named Astruscoil. Descending from the starlit sky as darkness blankets the world, Astruscoil's radiant scales shimmer with the luminescence of a thousand moons. This enigmatic being unfurls before travelers with hypnotic grace, offering them a chance to unlock the mysteries of the universe through games of riddles and wit. Astruscoil is a creature of balance and contradiction, embodying the duality of the universe itself—neither wholly benevolent nor malevolent, but a harmonious blend of both.   Origin Story   Astruscoil's origins are as ancient as the cosmos itself. Born from the first collision of stars, the serpent's essence was forged in the primordial fires of creation. As galaxies formed and celestial bodies took shape, Astruscoil roamed the infinite expanse, absorbing the wisdom and enigmas of the universe. It is said that the serpent's radiant scales are imbued with the essence of starlight, each one containing a fragment of cosmic knowledge. Throughout eons, Astruscoil has guided seekers of truth, challenging them with riddles that unlock the secrets of the cosmos.   Prayer to Astruscoil   "Seek out the divine of scales and be rewarded with knowledge or tales."   This simple yet profound prayer is often whispered by those who seek the serpent's favor, hoping to gain insight into the mysteries of the universe.   Legacy   Astruscoil's legacy is one of enlightenment and caution. Those who have encountered the celestial serpent and engaged in its games often return with newfound wisdom and a deeper understanding of the cosmos. The serpent's whispered truths have inspired countless scholars, philosophers, and adventurers to explore the depths of knowledge and embrace the enigmatic nature of existence. However, tales of Astruscoil's fierce temper serve as a reminder to approach the serpent with respect and honesty, for to deceive or anger Astruscoil is to court a fate as infinite and unforgiving as the stars.

Divine Domains

Upper Sanctuary

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The symbol of Astruscoil is a rainbow-colored snake scale, representing the serpent's radiant and multifaceted nature. This symbol is often worn by its followers as a pendant or embroidered onto clothing, serving as a reminder of the celestial serpent's wisdom and enigmatic presence.

Tenets of Faith

Seek out truth: Followers of Astruscoil are encouraged to pursue knowledge and seek out the truths of the universe, no matter how elusive or complex.   Ponder the enigmatic: Embracing the mysteries and contradictions of existence is a core tenet of Astruscoil's faith. Followers are taught to find value in the unknown and to ponder the enigmatic aspects of life.


The Day of Testing is a revered holiday dedicated to Astruscoil, observed once a year during the examination period of universities and schools. On this day, students and scholars engage in challenging intellectual pursuits, inspired by the celestial serpent's love for riddles and enigmas. Institutions often hold special events, such as riddle contests, debates, and philosophical discussions, to honor Astruscoil. Participants seek the serpent's favor through these activities, hoping to gain its celestial insights and blessings.   In conclusion, Astruscoil stands as a beacon of cosmic knowledge and enigma, guiding those who seek truth and challenging them to embrace the mysteries of the universe. Its legacy is one of balance and contradiction, reflecting the duality of existence and inspiring generations to explore the depths of wisdom and wonder.
Art provided by CravenTHC via Midjourney
Divine Classification
Celestial Entity
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Scales that show the Universe


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