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In the sprawling realm of Selenia, where magic weaves through every corner and the whispers of ancient forests echo with secrets, there lives a remarkable creature known as Beenlost. This white squirrel, adorned in glimmering silver armor and with wings that shimmer like moonlight, wanders the lands in search of his forgotten past. With eyes as red as rubies and skin as white as snow, Beenlost is a figure of both wonder and enigma, a beacon of chaos amidst the enchanting landscapes of Selenia.   Origin Story:   Beenlost awoke one crisp morning beneath the sheltering canopy of an ancient oak tree, his mind shrouded in fog. He knew neither his name nor his purpose, only the faint echo of a distant memory slipping through his grasp like grains of sand. Driven by an insatiable curiosity and a deep-rooted yearning to reclaim his identity, Beenlost embarked on a quest through Selenia's verdant forests and rugged mountains. Along the way, he encountered wonders and perils alike, his silver armor gleaming in the dappled sunlight.   Beenlost discovered a profound affinity for golden acorns, their radiant hues drawing him like a moth to a flame. Each one he gathered seemed to stir a glimmer of recognition deep within his soul, a tantalizing hint of the life he had once known. But it was not only the golden acorns that beckoned to Beenlost; he also possessed a mastery over chaotic magics that both fascinated and frightened him. Spells of unpredictable power danced at his fingertips, fueled by the tumultuous energies that surged through the world of Selenia.   One fateful night, as the stars blazed overhead and the air crackled with arcane energy, Beenlost found himself drawn to the summit of a towering peak. There, amidst the swirling mists, he encountered a being of ethereal beauty—a planetar, radiant and majestic, with wings of purest light. In a moment of profound connection, the planetar offered Beenlost a gift unlike any other: a single drop of its celestial blood, imbued with the essence of the heavens themselves. As the shimmering liquid touched his lips, a surge of power coursed through Beenlost's veins, illuminating the depths of his forgotten memories with dazzling clarity. However, he soon realized that it was Grimgor of Uzrash who had bestowed this gift upon him, not the planetar he thought he saw.   With his memories still lost but a newfound purpose coursing through his veins, Beenlost soared into the starlit sky, a beacon of chaos amidst the swirling skies of Selenia.   Prayer to Beenlost   "Oh bringer of Chaos, please spare us your rage and only leave us happy for your visit."   This prayer is often whispered by those who fear Beenlost's unpredictable nature, hoping to placate the chaotic energies that surround him.   Legacy   Beenlost's legacy is a blend of chaos and curiosity. His journey through Selenia has inspired tales of wonder and caution, as those who have encountered him recount his dual nature—both a seeker of truth and a harbinger of chaos. His mastery over chaotic magics and his quest for golden acorns have become legendary, with many seeking to understand the mysteries that drive him. The golden acorns he cherishes have become symbols of knowledge and power, believed to hold fragments of his lost past.

Divine Domains

Middle Sanctuary


Living Death potion

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The symbol of Beenlost is a golden acorn, representing his deep connection to his forgotten past and the knowledge he seeks. This symbol is often carved into amulets or etched onto talismans by those who wish to honor or seek protection from the enigmatic squirrel.

Tenets of Faith

Do not seek me out: Followers of Beenlost are cautioned against actively seeking his presence, as his unpredictable nature can bring chaos as easily as it can bring enlightenment.   Do not remind me of what was lost: Reminding Beenlost of his forgotten past is considered taboo, as it can invoke his wrath and unleash chaotic energies.


The Day of Great Offerings is a holiday dedicated to Beenlost, observed by leaving piles of nuts and dried berries in the forests and near ancient trees. These offerings are made to appease Beenlost and keep him from causing chaos. Communities come together to prepare the offerings, often incorporating rituals and prayers to honor the enigmatic squirrel and seek his favor.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White as snow
1 ft

Character Portrait image: BeenLost by Sorianna Choate


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