BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Brad Wintersprig

Guild Leader of the Golden Eye Ravens, (a.k.a. Spriggy)

Written by Tanner   Race: Human*   Class: Smuggler, Quick talker, Bartender Layer, Some could say “Rogue”   Background: Ahem, so check this out. There's this sneaky someone, you know, the type who pulls off legendary heists without ever getting caught. Mmm, but that's all you're gonna get outta me about them. Now, onto something worth boasting about - I recently liberated a whole bunch of slaves in Portscross. Pretty heroic, huh?   Appearance: standing at a whopping 5 ft 7’ a whole 150 lbs soaking wet, long wavy white hair and pale lavender eyes, he wears a coat made of worn leather down to his shins, red, with golden accents around it. Simple brown boots. To those who have seen him without his shirt would notice the many dots half haphazardly around his torso   Goals/Motivations:saving thoughts who can't save themselves. Either from their own greed, from slavery, or from some disgusting curse from within.   Additional Notes: is a well known patron of the iron hive. He has a weakness for fine art. That and a good prank here and there
Lavender Eyes
Long Wavy White Hair


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