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Cindorria (Sin -Dorr-Ia)

The mecca for all pirate crews to call home. This island has a harbor called the Tears where the Dark Lady calls home with her ship the Crowe. Cindoria is well renowned for its casinos, and game rooms. There isn’t much to say about Cindoria since its activities are kept secret. If you are lucky enough to visit here you simply must try the fish curry


  Those approaching the island first see the thick fog that surrounds Cindorria. It is a magical fog that was created by the pirate Waterford Peyton. It is carefully navigated by those who know the way in. Others perish foolishly trying to penetrate the fog to never make it to the island. The island itsell is covered in a thick jungle with ravines and hidden springs. The climate is hot and sticky.

Bay of Tears

  The Bay of Tears is located on the southern side of the island. This is where the Ship Builders live and stay. They have made some of the most infamous pirate ships to ever sail the Sea of Veil. The Crowe, The Fiore, Silver Talon, and Star Chaser are just a few of the ships to be made here.  The Bay is essentially one of the largest shipyards in the Veil. 


  Ravencoast, many call this town home, is where the council of Captains meets and doles out punishments to those who break the code of pirates. Snitches, thieves, and other such troublemakers end up with their heads on the wall to warn others that, breaking the code is tantamount to death. The city is a lovely place with a thriving market for plundered loot and rare items. 


  Swfitspire is where old pirates go live out their days and teach new young recruits the basics of sailing, swords, and swashbuckling. No one gets into Swiftspire without a letter of recommendation from Captian on the council. Many go into this area and few come out. Those who do make it out often go on to do great things.  

Maple Grave

The true place of cutthroats, sailors for hire, women of pleasure, and game houses. Here is a city ruled by greed that exacts a toll on the very depths of your soul. Most feel dirty just being here. Popular games are Whis, bones, and Hi-lo. the normal staples are played though most prefer their luck at Bones. The most notable gaming houses are The Sapphire, The Leviathan, and Gilded Mermaid. 

Saltwood Castle 

  Ten broad, square towers dwarf everything below them and are connected by big, thick walls made of blue stone.
  Tall windows are scattered generously around the walls in fairly symmetrical patterns, along with overhanging crenelations for archers and artillery.
  A sizable gate with giant metal doors, a regular bridge, and strong defenses protect those in need from the treacherous lands outside and it's the only easy way in, any other side would be futile.
  Remnants of broken siege engines, swords, and shields litter the fields outside, a painful reminder of a past war. This castle is relatively new, but it stood its ground with ease and will likely do so for ages to come.

Food of Cindorria

  The Most Popular Foods of Cindorria are Fish Curry, Roasted Soy Snapper, Pineapple and Melon Jam, Pickled Bittersweet Trout, Dry-Roasted Orange Mussels and Chocolate and Praline Buns.


They are Pirates who live by a code.


Gold, Amber, Ships, Sailors

Conquered by none.

Articles under Cindorria


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