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Clan Sharpbane

As far as the eye can see, the vast expanse of the great plain of Urzash stretches out before you. The sky meets the earth at the horizon, creating a breathtaking vista that seems to go on forever. In this land, there is a formidable force known as the Sharpbane Orc War Clan, a tribe of warriors renowned for their unmatched prowess in battle and their unwavering loyalty to their kin. The warriors of Sharpbane are as fearsome as they are respected, striking terror into the hearts of their enemies while commanding admiration from their allies and adversaries alike. With their unbreakable spirit and indomitable will, the Sharpbane Orc War Clan is a force to be reckoned with, and their legend will endure for generations to come.   These skilled warriors have been through countless battles and emerged victorious, earning their reputation as fierce fighters. They rely on their impressive swordsmanship and unwavering determination to overcome any challenge. Rather than relying on finesse, they choose to channel raw power and ferocity, honed through years of practice on the battlefield. Whether wielding broadswords or twin daggers, the warriors of Sharpbane are a force to be reckoned with. Each strike they make is a testament to their strength and skill, as they hack through enemy ranks or weave through the fray with their blades.   The clan's identity is symbolized by the mark of a sword piercing through the moon, a striking emblem that speaks to their relentless pursuit of victory and their unyielding determination to conquer any obstacle in their path. These markings, inked in hues of crimson upon their skin, serve as both a badge of honor and a warning to those who would dare to oppose them.   At the helm of the Sharpbane Orc War Clan stands Ziegar the Blackblade, a formidable leader whose name strikes fear into the hearts of all who hear it. With a reputation as dark and formidable as his namesake weapon, Ziegar commands respect and admiration from his warriors. He leads them with a blend of strategic acumen and martial prowess that has solidified their status as one of the strongest clans in Urzash.   In the realm of Urzash, where strength is revered above all else, the Sharpbane Orc War Clan stands as a shining example of martial prowess and unwavering determination. Their presence looms large upon the great plain, a testament to their indomitable spirit and their relentless pursuit of glory on the battlefield.

May our Blood sing to the Stars..


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