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Clan Wildrage

The Wildrage Orc War Clan is a group of warriors who live in the Great Plain of Urzash, where they are known for their connection to nature and their ability to use untamed magic. They are skilled in fighting using unconventional methods and draw strength from the energy of the earth and sky. They use this power to cast spells that produce flames and lightning, which are difficult for their enemies to withstand. The Wildrage Orc War Clan is also knowledgeable in the ways of the wilderness, using ancient druidic traditions to communicate with nature spirits and control forest animals.   Central to the ethos of the Wildrage clan is their reverence for the animals that roam their ancestral lands. From the majestic bears that prowl the forests to the swift falcons that soar high above, every creature is venerated as a sacred guardian and a source of strength and guidance. It is said that the spirits of these creatures watch over the clan, guiding their warriors in battle and granting them the strength and resilience of the beasts they hold dear.   In battle, the warriors of Wildrage fight with a tenacity and ferocity that few can match, their primal instincts driving them to overcome any obstacle in their path. Most among them prefer to wield dual axes, their brutal efficiency matched only by the wild fury with which they are wielded. Each swing of the blade is a testament to their indomitable spirit and their unwavering commitment to their clan and its ideals.   Led by Chieftain Dianera the Thirsty, Keeper of the Silver Bear Paw, the Wildrage clan is a matrilineal society where strength and wisdom are revered above all else. Under her leadership, the clan has thrived, forging an unbreakable bond with the land and its inhabitants and cementing their place as guardians of the natural world in the realm of Urzash.   The emblem that represents their identity is a striking silver bear paw. This emblem encapsulates the raw power and indomitable spirit that this fierce creature embodies. It serves as a potent symbol of their strength and resilience, reminding them of their unyielding determination to overcome any obstacle that comes their way.

May we trample and rip apart our foes.


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