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Fishing in the Veil

There are many fish to be found in the Sea of Veil, with some being rarer than others. Fishing conditions vary around each island, and the waters and temperatures have produced some of the finest catches.  




  The island's salt-rich waters are home to native Dralligo Fire Fish, gem fish (Mallonite), and Docsatee Dart Fish. These are caught for their poison glands.   Offshore, there are rumors about a large Droduboon fish that lives in a cave and is known to eat small creatures whole. The body parts of the Droduboon are highly coveted items and can fetch a high price in the market. Its bones are also in demand for making excellent bows for archery  


  The warm and clear waters surrounding the island of Binku are teeming with a variety of fish, which are highly sought after for aquariums. Some of the most popular fish include Sarasa Comet, Purple Discus, Damselfish, and Sargent Majors. If you're looking for something to eat, you can find Hogfish snapper, Jackfish, Grouper, and Dorado. And for those who enjoy sport fishing, there are Silverback Tarpon, Winged Skipper fish, and the Allimmeedi Sunfish.   Inland if you can make it to Stardock Lake, there are a few fish varieties there that baffle most, The Wish Fish, The Woptinger, and the Fire Skate.   Rumored Legendary fish in this area are Gruvin Earthquake Fish.    


  In the waters around the Mysterious Island of Cindorria, you can find the following species Clamtopus, Syndu, Hellfish, and Bluglish. On especially foggy nights, Soulfish and Ghostfish can caught. The most popular used fish on the island is the Spotted Tiger Mackeral for the Fish Curry.   Legendary fish in the area are Whalaconda, Gludram, and Spined DracoFish.  


  The waters around Gorus are crystal clear you will find varieties of gem fish here in various colors, Spined devil fish, Chastfish, and Monkfish. The Iron-Scaled Assassin Clam, Striped mussels and Yasso scallops can be collected here if you have a sharp eye for them. Slightly off the northern coast, you can catch Tune and Swordfish,   Legendary Fish in the area are Stormfish, Stargrazer Snapper, oogliTapper tail  

Hallowveil Volcano

  The fish in these waters are volatile creatures and quite dangerous. The Ribbon-Tailed Harlequin Fish, The Bloodthirsty Raptor Lobster, Jendawr, Scubsam, and Sharkellion. The tastiest fish in the area are rainbow gummy fish.   Rumored fish a Crimson Stalker and Dogfinned Howler.  

Piano Key

  Due to the abundance of bones in the water surrounding the island, little is known about this area. The waters around the island glow with phytoplankton. This bioluminescent plankton attracts Reaver sharks and Scalefin snappers to part of the island.  

StarFruit Island

  Here you find very peculiar fish if you're lucky enough to catch them, Dreamfish, Spotted Grara, Alliconda, Sparklefish, and The Silver Sand Beast.  

The Twins

  The waters of Twins are plentiful with all sorts of fish, snappers, groupers, salmon, anchovies, sardines, cod, herring, blowfish, stormfish, Lighting rays, Devil Rays, Dungeon Crab, silver Lobsters, and variety of other fish.   The rumored Legendary fish around here is The Cold-Blooded Bull Behemoth


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