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Gnomes of the Veil

By Kiki   “The only thing that rivals a gnome's mind is their vitality.”   Gnomes in the Veil of Tears are a far more common sight than expected. They have integrated well into society and have long since abandoned the ways of hiding their settlements behind illusions, though smaller villages can be found outside of towns and cities. They still carry the jovial nature and love for life that flows in their fey blood.   General Culture   Can live up to 500 years Mature at the human rate, however, are still considered children/teens until they are at least 100 Gnomes are split into two variants: Forest & Rock All gnomes have a connection to the illusionary fae magic in their ancient blood but the strength of this connection varies greatly. All gnomes love crafting and tinkering but some more than others Gnomes rarely leave their ancestral settlements and traveling gnomes often do not travel alone and prefer company from any species   Forest Gnomes "Drûgolda"   Outside of major settlements, the Drûgolda make their settlements in forests and swamps. Focus more on illusion magic Their creations tend to be made of stone, wood, & woodland resources Work closely with the surrounding wildlife   Rock Gnomes "Gonngolda"     Outside of the major settlements the Gonngolda make their settlements in mountains and hills. Are significantly better mundane and magical craft compared to their forest counterparts. Creations tend to be of fabrics, stone, metal, and gems   Settlements     It is easy to tell where a gnome settlement is by the architecture. Their homes tend to be a highly packed chaotic mess of whimsy. They are a very close-knit community and it shows in their willingness to share space, supplies, and time with each other. Music is almost always playing in their settlements, if a gnome settlement is silent- something is very wrong.   Largest Settlements: Asharia, The Bay of Tears, The Craglands, and The Starfruit Islands   Asharia Settlement   Gnometech is almost entirely run by the Gonngolda as their natural specialty in metal craft. Drûgolda helps with taming the surrounding forest and fauna to minimize environmental damage. The secrecy of the Lost Archives is a testament to gnome illusion. Maintained by both the ingenuity of the Gonngolda and the naturally empowered illusion magic of the Drûgolda they have been able to keep the Archive hidden for centuries.   Bay of Tears Settlement   Amongst the multitude of shipwrights that make home here there is a sizable gnome settlement comprised entirely of Gonngolda. A Drûgolda would not thrive in this environment while the Gonngolda and their skill blend in just fine.   Craglands Settlement   Both Drûgolda and Gonngolda can be found in abundance here. Drûgolda works in agriculture with the halflings. Their attunement with nature allows them to work the fields and surrounding land with ease. Gonngolda works with the dwarves. Their engineering and precision metal crafting work in tandem with their strength and drive. Gnomes being gnomes though they do not answer to the kings. Mistreat a gnome or attempt to chain them and they will do their best to escape.   Starfruit Island Settlement   Like the Craglands both types of gnomes thrive here, however, unlike the Craglands the two types live together in a single community. Carefree and loving life the Gonngolda use their minds to create new games, instruments, and simple quality-of-life improvements. The Drûgolda mainly tend to the flora and fauna, adding magic to the already magical produce.   Star Dust: A special type of powder made from dried and ground Starfruit that can be smoked to cause a hallucinogenic effect. Not as strong as the effects of eating the actual fruit and lacks a lovely smell and taste but it is cheap, has a good kick, and removes the adverse effects of eating too much of it. The process of its creation is a well-guarded secret amongst the populace of Starfruit Island
Forest Gnomes "Drûgolda"
Rock Gnomes "Gonngolda"


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