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In the shadowy depths of the Under Sanctuary lies a force of unimaginable power and malevolence, known as HallowVeil. Revered by the Emberkin Goblins of Hollowveil as the Deal Maker and World Changer, this demon is believed to possess the power to cleanse the world of all life. Trapped in the Under Sanctuary, HallowVeil's influence occasionally seeps into the world above, heralded by the emergence of dark, ravenous beasts. His followers eagerly await the day he will rise, believing that his fiery purge will bring them peace.   Origin Story   HallowVeil’s origins are shrouded in the mists of ancient times, long before the memory of man. It is said that he was born from the darkest recesses of the universe, a being of pure malevolent energy. When the world was still forming, HallowVeil sought to dominate it, but the combined forces of light and life trapped him in the Under Sanctuary, sealing him away from the surface. The Emberkin Goblins discovered traces of his power deep within the volcanic regions of Hollowveil and have since become his devout followers, believing that HallowVeil will one day rise to reshape the world.   Prayer of the Emberkin   "Rise and come, Lord of Hallowveil. Cleanse the world with your fire, grant us peace."   This prayer is a call for HallowVeil's return, invoking his power to bring about the end of the current world and usher in a new era of fiery rebirth.   Legacy   Throughout history, there have been sporadic reports of black beasts, believed to be HallowVeil’s minions, emerging from cracks in the Under Sanctuary. These beasts ravage the land, spreading fear and destruction wherever they go. The most notable event tied to HallowVeil's influence was the Eruption of Hollowveil Volcano in 1258, a catastrophic event that was believed to be a direct result of the demon's growing power. The Emberkin Goblins interpret these occurrences as signs of their dark lord's imminent return, fueling their fervent worship and sacrifices.

Divine Domains

Deep Sanctuary

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The followers of HallowVeil revere pieces of obsidian as sacred symbols, representing the demon’s fiery nature and the volcanic depths of his prison. Obsidian shards are often used in rituals and as talismans to invoke HallowVeil's power.

Tenets of Faith

Pray Every Day for the Coming of HallowVeil: Devotees must offer daily prayers, beseeching their dark lord to rise and cleanse the world.   Make Offerings to the Volcano: Followers are required to make regular offerings to the volcanic regions, believing that these gifts will empower HallowVeil and hasten his return.


The Day of Great Sacrifice is the most significant holiday for the Emberkin Goblins. On this day, they gather all trespassers and throw them into the volcano as offerings to HallowVeil. This ritual is performed under the light of the Hollow Moon, a rare celestial event believed to amplify the demon's power. The sacrifices are meant to appease HallowVeil and demonstrate the followers' unwavering loyalty and devotion.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Night Ash


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