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The Hellmourn family of Portcross epitomizes the warrior spirit that has long safeguarded the borders of the kingdom. Renowned for their prowess in raising armies and training battle hounds, they have stood as stalwart defenders against the threats that lurk beyond the realm's borders.   Their family crest, depicting the fearsome image of a hellhound, symbolizes their ferocity, loyalty, and unwavering commitment to protecting Portcross from all who would seek to do it harm. For generations, the Hellmourns have answered the call to arms, their forces standing as a bulwark against invasion and aggression.   At the head of the family stands Warwick, the oldest son and heir to the Hellmourn legacy. While outwardly loyal to the crown and the established order, Warwick harbors secret reservations about the political climate in Portcross. He sees corruption and injustice festering within the halls of power, and he yearns to bring about change for the betterment of the kingdom.   In the shadows, Warwick quietly works to rally support for his cause, forging alliances with like-minded individuals and laying the groundwork for a revolution of sorts. His efforts are conducted with caution and discretion, for he knows that to openly challenge the status quo could invite retaliation from those in power.   As tensions simmer beneath the surface and the winds of change begin to stir, Warwick stands at the precipice of a new era for Portcross. With the symbol of the hellhound emblazoned upon his banner, he marches forward into the fray, his eyes fixed on the horizon and his heart aflame with the fire of righteous rebellion.

Unleash the Hounds


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