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Alaric Vextrius

(a.k.a. Veilbreaker, Shadowrend)

Alaric was born in Sorrow’s End, a desolate place nestled along the treacherous cliffs of the Devil's Backbone. Raised in poverty, he grew up on the streets, just another soul caught in the endless cycle of despair that defined the region. His mother died when he was young, and his father abandoned him the day he was born. Alone, sick, and desperate, Alaric began hearing a voice that whispered to him from the shadows.   This voice became his only guide, offering comfort and direction where there had been none. As he listened, Alaric grew stronger. The voice, dark and enigmatic, taught him how to manipulate the very shadows around him, giving him power unlike anything he had known.   One day, a wandering mage named Therion Edwards noticed Alaric’s ability and took him in. Alaric, with the voice still whispering in his mind, left the Devil's Backbone behind. Under Therion's guidance, he learned more about magic and society, quickly rising to the higher echelons of society, admired for his striking appearance and mysterious charm. Yet, beneath his handsome façade, the shadows still whispered, growing louder and darker.   Over time, the voice revealed its true nature. It was no mere guide—it was Verenthis, a demon trapped in the Under-Sanctuary, yearning for freedom. To release it, Alaric would need to tear a hole in the Veil that separated their worlds. At first, he resisted, torn between the power Verenthis promised and the remnants of his own morality. But as the demon's influence grew, Alaric’s sense of right and wrong began to warp.   In secret, he began to gather others like himself—lost souls from the Devil's Backbone—promising them a new life. But instead of salvation, he sacrificed them to fuel the dark magic needed to rip open the Veil. As his hunger for power grew, so did the scale of his treachery. He realized that to fulfill Verenthis’s promise, he needed more than just the lost and desperate from the streets.   Alaric took refuge in the ruins of Castle Caliban, an isolated fortress on the border between Stormer and Portcross. From there, he began abducting slaves that were trafficked through Portcross, deceiving them with the same promises of a better life. All the while, Verenthis whispered of a new world they would create together—one where Alaric would reign, and everything would be reborn in darkness.   The land surrounding Castle Caliban has become twisted and tainted by the dark magic Alaric has been wielding. The once desolate ruins now pulse with unnatural energy, the very air thick with a palpable sense of dread. The cracks he’s torn in the Veil between the Middle Sanctuary and the Under-Sanctuary have begun to widen, allowing smaller, deadlier demons to slip through. These creatures roam the corrupted grounds, spreading further chaos and destruction, feeding off the dark energy that seeps into the earth. The deeper Alaric delves into his forbidden rituals, the more the land around him withers, warping into a cursed domain of shadows and malevolence.
Current Residence
Ruins of Castle Caliban
Red and Black
Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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