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Nelous (Nail-EE-ous)

Nelous, the God of the Underworld and caretaker of souls, is revered as the guardian of the Under Sanctuary, a realm that exists beneath the Middle Sanctuary of Life. As the final destination for souls transitioning from the mortal realm, Nelous is a central figure in the spiritual life of those in the Veil. He is invoked by all who seek guidance for the departed, ensuring their journey is met with compassion and order.   Story:   In the primordial era, when the world was still fresh and vibrant, Nelous existed as a nebulous being in the realm beneath the Middle Sanctuary of Life. As life flourished above, a natural cycle began, and the souls—shimmering lights of those who had lived—began their descent into Nelous's domain. Initially alone in his vast, dark expanse, Nelous took on the monumental task of shaping this new realm for the incoming souls.   Drawing inspiration from the beauty of the world above, Nelous crafted the Under Sanctuary into a place of elegance and serenity. He wove lush gardens and serene landscapes, mirroring the nature he once beheld, transforming his domain into a haven of solace and beauty. However, not all souls were serene; some, deemed unrighteous, were sent to work endlessly in the undying fields, a necessary part of the cycle to maintain balance.   To symbolize his connection to both the end and the beginning, Nelous's realm is adorned with a ceiling that glitters with stars, reflecting the night sky and offering a sense of continuity and hope. Despite the necessity of his role, Nelous is considered a benevolent deity, guiding souls with both firmness and compassion, ensuring that the passage between life and afterlife is a journey marked by dignity and care.   Prayer:   "Dear Nelous, I come to you with a remorseful heart. Pkease see that my soul is worthy of your fields of granduer and glory. should I not be worthy Send me to Zerra."   Legacy:   Nelous, the God of the Underworld and caretaker of souls, has profoundly shaped the spiritual and cultural landscape of Zelenia. As the guardian of the Under Sanctuary, he ensures that souls transition from life to the afterlife with dignity. His realm is depicted as a beautiful and serene place, where the ceiling glitters with stars to mimic the night sky, symbolizing the eternal connection between the living world and the afterlife. This imagery has inspired numerous artistic and cultural expressions across Zelenia, reflecting the deep respect and reverence held for Nelous.   His legacy is particularly evident in the observance of Nelous Day, celebrated during the Winter Solstice. On this day, families create altars to honor their departed loved ones, reflecting the thin veil between life and death. This tradition, along with the use of symbols like the shooting star, underscores Nelous’s role as a guide and protector of souls. Temples dedicated to him are designed to evoke tranquility and connection with the afterlife, ensuring that his influence remains a source of comfort and reflection for the people of Zelenia.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The symbol of Nelous, a shooting star, serves as a profound representation of his role as the guardian of souls and the overseer of the Under Sanctuary. This celestial emblem encapsulates the fleeting yet significant journey of souls as they transition from the world of the living to their eternal resting place. The shooting star, with its brief yet brilliant trail, symbolizes the soul’s passage through life and its ascent towards Nelous’s realm. It embodies the hope and purity of the soul’s journey, reflecting both the end of one chapter and the beginning of another.   In art and worship, the shooting star is depicted with a streak of light trailing behind it, representing the divine guidance that Nelous provides. This sigil is often used in rituals and offerings to invoke his protection and favor, reminding followers of his constant watch over the souls in his care. The star’s brilliance in the dark night sky also symbolizes Nelous's role in illuminating the path for souls and ensuring their safe passage through the Under Sanctuary, reinforcing his legacy as a compassionate and vigilant deity.  

Tenets of Faith

Testify with Honesty: When summoned to the afterlife, you shall openly and honestly give testimony of your deeds and sins. This act of transparency is essential for the proper guidance and purification of the soul.   Serve the Cycle: Embrace and respect the natural cycle of life and death. All souls must fulfill their role within this cycle, contributing to the balance and harmony of existence as ordained by Nelous.


The Winter Solstice marks Nelous Day, a time when the veil between the living and the dead is thinnest. Families and communities come together to create altars in honor of their departed loved ones. These altars are adorned with offerings such as candles, incense, and symbolic tokens representing the souls of those who have passed. The light from the candles is believed to guide and comfort the spirits, helping them find their way to Nelous’s realm.   During the celebration, people engage in quiet reflection and prayer, seeking Nelous’s guidance and protection for their ancestors. The atmosphere is solemn yet serene, emphasizing the connection between the living and the dead. Stories are shared, and rituals are performed to honor the deceased, ensuring their memory and presence remain cherished as they journey through the Under Sanctuary. This day serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring bond between the world of the living and the divine care of Nelous.
Souless Black Pits
The color of night time
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
The color of galaxies


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