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In the rugged, windswept peaks of Mount Orotos lies the revered temple of Poogugh, the God of Glory, the heart of Orcish faith and devotion. Here, amidst the jagged contours of the mountain, the Orcs have constructed a magnificent shrine that stands as a testament to their ingenuity, craftsmanship, and unwavering reverence for their mighty deity.   Origin Story:   The origins of Poogugh are deeply rooted in the ancient lore of the Orcs. Legends tell of a time when the world was young, and chaos reigned supreme. From the primal fury of battle and the unyielding spirit of warriors, Poogugh emerged—a divine embodiment of strength, valor, and glory. He led the Orcs through countless battles, instilling in them a code of honor and the pursuit of glory that transcends mere victory. Poogugh's divine presence has guided the Orcs for generations, teaching them that true honor lies in the valor of battle and the nobility of spirit.   The Temple:   As the sun rises over Mount Orotos, its first rays cast a golden hue upon the temple, illuminating its weathered stone walls and ornate carvings. The temple's towering spires reach skyward, like the outstretched arms of worshippers seeking divine favor. At the entrance stands a massive stone archway adorned with intricate runes and symbols, each a testament to the ancient rites and rituals practiced within its hallowed halls.   Upon passing through the archway, visitors are greeted by a vast chamber lined with tapestries depicting scenes of battle and triumph, reminding all of Poogugh's valor and glory. In the center of the chamber stands a grand altar, polished to a mirror-like sheen and adorned with offerings of gold and jewels, representing the wealth and prosperity bestowed by Poogugh. An eternal sacred flame burns at the foot of the altar, casting dancing shadows upon the stone floor.   Ascending further into the temple, one reaches the inner sanctum, a chamber of unparalleled beauty and majesty. Here, beneath a domed ceiling adorned with celestial motifs, stands a colossal statue of Poogugh, carved from the living rock of Mount Orotos and adorned with jewels and precious metals. The statue's sapphire eyes gaze into the souls of all who stand before it, instilling awe and reverence.   Prayer:   "Blood and thunder, Guts and Glory, Live Free."   Legacy:   The legacy of Poogugh, the God of Glory, is deeply etched into the very fabric of Orcish culture and history. His teachings have shaped the moral and ethical framework of Orc society, instilling values of honor, valor, and resilience. The tales of Poogugh's battles and victories are passed down through generations, serving as both inspiration and instruction for young Orcs.   Warriors invoke his name before going into battle, seeking his blessing for strength and victory. His influence extends beyond the battlefield, as his principles guide the everyday lives of Orcs, encouraging them to face challenges with courage and integrity.   The temple of Poogugh on Mount Orotos stands as a testament to his enduring legacy, a place where Orcs from all corners of the realm come to pay homage and seek guidance. The Festival of Many Fires, celebrated annually, ensures that the memory of Poogugh's valor and the sacrifices of past heroes are never forgotten.   Through his divine guidance, the Orcs continue to thrive, their spirits unbroken and their resolve unwavering, forever striving for the glory and honor that Poogugh embodies.

Divine Domains

Middle Sanctuary


THe Hammer of Glory

Holy Books & Codes

The Warrior's Code   Seek Honor and Glory: Orcs are taught to pursue honor and glory in all their endeavors, especially in battle. This pursuit is seen as a path to personal and communal greatness.   Honor the Fallen: Respect and remembrance of those who have given their lives in pursuit of glory are paramount. Memorials, rituals, and festivals honor the sacrifices of past warriors.   Live Courageously: Facing challenges with bravery and resilience is a core tenet. Orcs are encouraged to confront their fears and overcome obstacles with determination.   Uphold Nobility: Living by principles of strength, valor, and integrity is essential. Orcs strive to embody these qualities in their daily lives.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The war drum represents the unity and collective strength of the Orcish clans. In times of war and peace, its resounding beats call the Orcs to come together as one formidable force. The drum’s rhythmic cadence unites the hearts and minds of the warriors, creating a sense of solidarity and shared purpose.

Tenets of Faith

To seek Honor and Glory: Orcs are encouraged to pursue honor and glory in all their endeavors, especially in battle.   To honor the fallen: Respect and remember those who have given their lives in the pursuit of glory.   To live courageously: Face challenges with bravery and resilience.   To uphold the Warrior's Code: Live by the principles of strength, valor, and nobility.


"The Festival of Many Fires" is a vibrant and multifaceted event that pays homage to the departed and celebrates the brave victories in battles. During the festival, numerous fires are lit, each representing a different victory in the past. Festival-goers gather around these fires, sharing stories of their ancestors and their triumphant battles. The air is filled with the aroma of delicious food, and traditional music and dances can be heard everywhere. This colorful and lively spectacle brings the Orc community together to remember their past and celebrate their heritage.
sapphire blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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