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Selenian Calendar

1. Month of Ygharis Duration: 30 days Description: The Month of Ygharis heralds the beginning of the new year, celebrating the creation and abundance of life. Festivals and ceremonies honor the Mother Goddess, offering gratitude for all living beings born from her dreams.   2. Month of Amalee Duration: 28 days Description: Dedicated to Amalee, Goddess of the Home and Hearth. This month focuses on domestic harmony, protection from malevolent spirits, and blessings for the prosperity of households. Effigies are left at hearths, and prayers seek her warmth and security.   3. Month of Athos Duration: 30 days Description: Athos, the mischievous deity of Thieves, Luck, and Escape, is honored during this month. Festivals feature games of chance, trickster tales, and ceremonies seeking luck and fortune in dice rooms and daring endeavors.   4. Month of Drava Duration: 29 days Description: Drava, Patron of Healing and Medicine, presides over this month dedicated to health and well-being. Healing ceremonies, gratitude for caregivers, and rituals to ease suffering characterize this time.   5. Month of Edarr Duration: 30 days Description: Edarr, God of Sailing and Storms, is revered in this month of maritime traditions and storm protection. Sailors pray for safe passage, families celebrate fertility and farming, and festivals honor the sea's bounty.   6. Month of Hyara Duration: 29 days Description: Hyara's month focuses on leadership, rebirth, and craftsmanship. Ceremonies for leaders, forging of iron, and rituals of renewal mark this time of honoring thrones and the strength of iron.   7. Month of Nelous Duration: 30 days Description: Nelous, Guardian of the Underworld, guides souls in the Month of Nelous. Reflection on the afterlife, ceremonies for the departed, and reverence for the underworld sanctuary fill this month.   8. Month of Poopugh Duration: 29 days Description: The Orcish month dedicated to Poopugh, God of Glory, features warrior competitions, honor rituals, and reverence at the sacred temple of Mount Orotos. Orcs celebrate bravery and martial prowess.   9. Month of Tamhana Duration: 30 days Description: Tamhana, Keeper of the Secrets of the Stars, blesses sailors with celestial guidance in this month of navigation and exploration. Festivals celebrate the mysteries of the night sky and the art of navigation.   Festival of Celestial Lights: Once a year, during the height of summer, the night sky is lit up by a spectacular meteor shower known as the Celestial Lights. Sailors and their families gather on the shores to celebrate Tamahana's guidance and protection. They light lanterns to mimic the stars and send them adrift on the water, creating a mesmerizing display of floating lights.   10. Month of the Sunken Duration: 29 days Description: The Day of Waves is an annual celebration dedicated to honoring the Sunken. On this day, sailors and seafarers take to the sea to offer their respect and seek his blessings for good fortune and favorable winds.   11. Month of Tulo Duration: 30 days Description: The month of Craft of many. Many celebrate this month with offerins to masters of crafts   The Festival of the Forge is an annual celebration dedicated to Tulo. During this holiday, followers of the god bring offerings of iron, ore, and other crafting materials to forge areas and temples. These offerings are made in the hopes of receiving Tulo’s blessing and inspiration for their work.   12. Month of Zera Duration: 28 days Description: Zera, Mother of Endings, oversees this month of reflection and justice. Prayers for mercy and judgment, rituals for the departed seeking peace, and contemplation of life's transitions fill this solemn time.   Notes:
  • The calendar is based on a lunar-solar system, with months alternating between 28 and 30 days to synchronize with celestial events and agricultural cycles.
  • Each month includes specific rituals, festivals, and observances reflecting the attributes and influence of the corresponding deity.
  • The calendar underscores the rich tapestry of beliefs and traditions in the realm of Selenia, intertwining spiritual reverence with practical and seasonal significance.

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