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Tamhana (Tam-Han-Nah)

In the beginning, when the world was young and the seas were untamed, the gods saw the need for a guardian of the heavens. From the heart of the first star, Tamahana was born, her radiant presence lighting up the night sky. She watched over the sailors, her eyes reflecting the infinite expanse of the cosmos.   Tamahana's celestial guidance was paramount for those who dared to journey across the vast oceans. Sailors would look up to her stars, charting their courses by the constellations she meticulously arranged. Her presence was a beacon of hope and a promise of safe passage.   One fateful night, a young sailor named Kael found himself lost in a violent storm. The stars were obscured by dark clouds, and his ship was at the mercy of the furious sea. Desperate, Kael prayed to Tamahana, "O Keeper of the Secrets of the Stars, guide me through this tempest, and I shall devote my life to your service."   Moved by his plea, Tamahana parted the clouds, revealing the brightest star in the sky. She whispered to Kael the secrets of celestial navigation, guiding him safely to shore. True to his word, Kael established a sanctuary dedicated to Tamahana, where sailors could learn to read the stars and seek her blessings.  


"O Tamahana, Keeper of the Secrets of the Stars, Guide our sails with your celestial light. May we navigate through the darkest nights, With your wisdom leading us to safe harbors."

Divine Domains

The Upper Sanctuary

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Moon, often depicted as a crescent cradling a cluster of stars, symbolizes Tamahana's protective and guiding nature.   Holy Sigil:   The sigil of Tamahana is a crescent moon cradling a cluster of stars, symbolizing her role as the celestial guide and protector. This symbol is often engraved on navigational tools and worn as a charm by sailors.

Tenets of Faith

Trust in the Stars: Always look to the stars for guidance, as they are the divine map laid out by Tamahana.   Respect the Night: Honor the night sky and the celestial patterns, for they are the sacred canvas of Tamahana.   Aid Fellow Mariners: Help those lost at sea, sharing the wisdom of the stars with all who seek it.   Give Thanks for Safe Passage: Offer prayers and gratitude to Tamahana for every safe journey completed.


Festival of Celestial Lights:   Once a year, during the height of summer, the night sky is lit up by a spectacular meteor shower known as the Celestial Lights. Sailors and their families gather on the shores to celebrate Tamahana's guidance and protection. They light lanterns to mimic the stars and send them adrift on the water, creating a mesmerizing display of floating lights.   The festival begins with a grand feast, where stories of Tamahana’s guidance and sailors’ adventures are shared. As the night deepens, a solemn ceremony is held, where offerings of silver trinkets and star-shaped charms are cast into the sea as tokens of gratitude.   During the festival, children are taught the basics of celestial navigation, ensuring that the knowledge and reverence for Tamahana are passed down through generations. The night culminates in a collective prayer, where everyone looks to the sky, thanking Tamahana for her everlasting guidance and protection.   In the realm of mariners, Tamahana’s name is spoken with reverence and gratitude. Her celestial light continues to guide sailors through the darkest nights, ensuring that the secrets of the stars are never forgotten.
Divine Classification
Silver Moonlight
The colors of night sky
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
The shades of the sky


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