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The Council of Twelve Roses

The Council of Twelve Roses is an organization that often works behind the scenes to secure the safety of the world. The main members of the group are high-ranking individuals or perhaps reformed miscreants. They were once adventurers, but now they have settled into different areas of the world, keeping a watchful eye and often guiding new adventurers. Blessed—or cursed—with long life, they possess abilities far beyond those of ordinary people. Some members are known to the world, while others live in the shadows, influencing events from behind the scenes.   Known Members:   Geron the Black:   Title: Master Tailor and Owner of the Golden Rose Background: Geron was instrumental in aiding Sir Cole Willingham and the Lost Wayfarers in saving the world. He resides in Heartwick and is one of the publicly known members of the Council of Twelve Roses. Renowned for his unmatched tailoring skills, he is rumored to have been a spymaster for several royal houses, having averted numerous court mishaps. Though he mostly keeps to himself unless called upon, his work is truly one of a kind, and his bewitching smile hides a wealth of secrets. Abilities: Beyond his tailoring prowess, Geron is a master of stealth and espionage, with a keen intellect and strategic mind.   Captain Heck:   Full Name: Captain Horatio "Heck" Blackbeak Title: Captain of the Infernal Tempest Background: Captain Heck is an artificer of much renown, residing in the Point of Veil. Known as the "King of Thieves" despite not stealing anything other than hearts, he charms many lost souls at The Salty Seaman, where he is also a formidable bartender. Heck’s reputation as an inventor and a rogue is well-earned, and his presence at the Point of Veil ensures the safety and prosperity of the region. Abilities: Heck's skills as an artificer are unparalleled, allowing him to create powerful magical devices. His charisma and charm make him an effective leader and a beloved figure among the locals.   The Council's Objectives:   The Council of Twelve Roses operates with the primary goal of safeguarding the world from hidden threats. They use their unique abilities and extensive networks to monitor potential dangers, intervene when necessary, and guide new generations of adventurers to ensure the continuation of their legacy.   Organization Structure:   The group is loosely organized, with no formal hierarchy. Instead, each member has autonomy over their own domain and area of expertise. They communicate through a network of trusted messengers and magical means, coordinating their efforts when a significant threat arises.   Notable Achievements:   The Siege of Giants Gluch: The Council played a crucial role in thwarting the uprising of the dead in Giants Gluch, preventing a catastrophic event.   The Recovery of the Necroth Artifact: Working together, they intercepted members of the Cult of Calamity who possessed a piece of Necroth's body, crafting a seal to conceal the dark artifact.   Membership Criteria:   Membership in the Council of Twelve Roses is not something one applies for; it is a calling. Potential members are identified by current council members based on their skills, moral integrity, and dedication to the greater good. Once selected, new members are inducted through a secretive ceremony that grants them the extended lifespan and enhanced abilities characteristic of the group.   Secrecy and Influence:   While some members like Geron and Captain Heck are publicly known, many others remain hidden, influencing events from the shadows. This secrecy ensures that the organization can operate without interference, allowing them to address threats before they become public knowledge.


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Aug 17, 2024 18:08 by Marjorie Ariel

Geron and Captian Heck sound like great people. I'm curious to know more about their engagements/missions they've carried out.

Aug 17, 2024 20:14

Thank you!!! I enjoy them! If you'd like to read more   Captian Horatio "Heck" Blackbeak   Geron the Black

Aug 19, 2024 04:50 by Marjorie Ariel

Thanks! I'll add them to my reading list!