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The Day of Great Fire

Many the world over love the Day of Great Fire, a sacred holiday honoring Amalee. The renewal of the hearth brings great comfort to many, uniting communities. This celebration takes place during the colder months of the year, offering warmth and togetherness when it is needed most.   Communities celebrate by watching storms if they are happening, honoring the delicate relationship between Edarr and Amalee. If there are no storms, many offer wreaths of flowers to the Storm God Edarr and wood for the hearth fire to Amalee. These offerings symbolize a wish for protection and warmth from the deities.   The next event of the day involves preparing the hearth. Most towns and communities keep a hearth in a place of honor. Town hearths are large, made of stone, and adorned with metal engravings of family symbols and depictions of Amalee. People take time to carefully clean and polish the hearth. After any remaining ash is removed, offerings are made to the hearth. These offerings include wood, small herbal sachets, and other tiny tokens, said to carry prayers to Amalee for renewed protection of family and home. Once the hearth is lit, dancing and music ensue, and people enjoy the warmth and light from the fire.   As the day settles into evening, large communal feasts begin. Hearty meals are shared, symbolizing the essence of home. As food is shared and fires are stoked, people tell stories and strengthen bonds with friends and family. This tradition and celebration are about renewal and connection. When the fires die down late in the evening, some take home hearth coals to place in their own hearths, carrying the warmth and blessings of the communal fire back to their individual homes.   The Day of Great Fire is a time of unity, warmth, and renewal, celebrating the love of Edarr and Amalee and the hearth that brings people together. It is a cherished tradition that strengthens community bonds and honors the deities who protect and bless the home.


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Aug 20, 2024 03:17 by Deleyna Marr

Anything that combines story telling and food is wonderful.

Aug 20, 2024 14:56

I couldn't agree more!!! I am slowly having my players experience these events when they happen. Thank you!