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The Red Death

Lost to the tapestry of time in the world of Selenia is the era of the Red Death, a blood plague that ravaged parts of the mainland. It was said to have originated from a creature that breached the boundary between the Middle and Lower Sanctuaries. This pestilence was a blight upon the world.   The Red Death was known for causing high fevers in its early stages, leading to large red spots on the skin that eventually turned into weeping sores oozing blood. In the final stages of the illness, victims experienced uncontrollable hemorrhaging, necrosis, delirium, and often fell into a coma before succumbing to the disease within a month.   During this time, the Order of Drava was overwhelmed by the sick and weary, as the disease spread rapidly among households. Striking without warning, villagers lived in constant fear of one another, and many communities suffered from various other maladies. The Order of Drava worked tirelessly to find a cure. Fortunately, when the rift was healed, the plague became less frequent.   It is said that in the records of Cole Willingham, an adventurer with the Lost Wayfarers, a locked room was discovered. Upon opening the room, he unintentionally released what remained of the Red Death. In a selfless act, he used his gift to cast a wish spell, freeing the world from the plague.


A Plague beast from the under sanctuary that laid a pesitlance on the lands.


High Fever, Fatigue, Red weeping spots, Uncontollable hemorrhaging, necrosis, delirium, and coma


Early stage treatment involves sacred herbs from Drava mixed into a poultice and administered early during the sickness. If the patient can survive the fevers, they will most likely survive the plague. However, the plague can progress at varying rates through its victims.


If Red Death is left untreated the outcome is always death. IF one survives this plague they can still live a full life.


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