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The Royal House of Stormer

The Royal Family of Stormer traces their lineage back to ancient times, when they arrived on the shores of the realm after escaping the Blight that ravaged distant lands over 5000 years ago. Since then, they have ruled with wisdom and strength, guiding Stormer through times of prosperity and adversity alike.   King Roland and Queen Eloise, the current monarchs, have led the kingdom with steadfast resolve, even in the face of recent challenges. Their union has blessed the realm with seven children, each a testament to the royal lineage and the legacy they carry forward.   However, Stormer still bears the scars of the recent war with Uzrash, a conflict born from the struggle over the mountains and mines that border the two kingdoms. The toll of battle has left wounds that are slow to heal, and tensions between the two nations remain palpable, despite the signing of a treaty that came at great cost to both sides.   As part of the treaty, a marriage is set to take place between Mariella, the second princess of Stormer, and Zogdah, the Half-Orc son of the Uzrash Chieftain. This union is intended to solidify the fragile peace between the two kingdoms, but whispers of dissent linger in the air, and the specter of war still looms large.   Amidst the uncertainty, the family crest of the Royal Family serves as a reminder of their resilience and determination. A lightning bolt striking through a cloud, it symbolizes the power and majesty of the Stormer monarchy, a force of nature that cannot be quelled.   Yet, within the royal household, divisions arise. Brutus, the oldest son, harbors reservations about the treaty and the impending marriage. Wary of the fragile peace that hangs in the balance, he watches with a cautious eye, mindful of the dangers that lurk beneath the surface.   As Stormer navigates the delicate politics of diplomacy and intrigue, the Royal Family stands at the forefront, their decisions shaping the fate of the kingdom for generations to come. With the storm clouds of uncertainty gathering on the horizon, they must tread carefully, lest the lightning of conflict strike once more, plunging Stormer into darkness.   In the annals of the royal family's history, a figure shrouded in tragedy and mystery emerges: Laramie Stormer, a prince lost to the sands of time. From his youth, Laramie harbored a deep fondness for eclairs, an innocent obsession that would ultimately lead to his untimely demise. Despite his youthful indulgence, Laramie possessed a rare and potent gift for life magic, a talent that set him apart even among the royal bloodline. Laramie had a lover and his name was Shuan'tze. They enjoyed a lot of time at the palace studying various magics together.   Legend has it that upon his passing, a verdant garden bloomed around Laramie's final resting place, a testament to the vitality and magic that coursed through his veins. Yet, in a twist of fate as cruel as it was sudden, during the infamous night known as Shadow’s Kiss, Laramie's grave, along with those of other royals, was desecrated, his body stolen from its peaceful slumber. Some say his lover took his body turning to darker powers to bring Laramie back from the eternal ether.   With Laramie's remains gone, the once-thriving garden withered and died, a poignant reflection of the loss that had befallen the royal family. To this day, the circumstances surrounding Laramie's death and the theft of his body remain shrouded in darkness, a haunting chapter in the storied history of the realm.

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