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The Sanctauries

Summary Introduction

  The Upper Sanctuary is ruled by Ygharis, the Mother of Creation, embodying life and light. The Middle Sanctuary is a vibrant domain where her children preside over the world's myriad aspects. Below lies the Under Sanctuary, a shadowy realm overseen by Nelous, Keeper of Secrets. Connecting these realms is the Water Sanctuary, a place of fluidity and transformation, where both life-giving waters and The Sunken, a primordial force of darkness, coexist.  

The Upper Sanctuary

  The Upper Sanctuary is the pinnacle of divine realms, where Ygharis, the Mother of Creation, resides. She is the origin of all life, the eternal source from which the world of "The Veil of Tears" was born. Her sanctuary is a place of light and purity, where the essence of creation flows freely, nourishing the cosmos. The Upper Sanctuary is often depicted as a realm of celestial beauty, with golden skies, rivers of light, and a landscape that embodies perfection. Here, Ygharis watches over all existence, her presence a constant reminder of the world's origins and the delicate balance she maintains.   Ygharis’s influence is felt throughout the world, but it is in the Upper Sanctuary where her power is absolute. She is revered as the ultimate creator, a being of unfathomable wisdom and compassion. The inhabitants of this sanctuary, if they exist, are likely beings of pure light and energy, extensions of Ygharis's will, aiding her in the continuous act of creation and preservation. The Upper Sanctuary is a place of worship, where souls may ascend to seek her guidance or bask in her radiant presence.  

The Middle Sanctuary

  The Middle Sanctuary is a realm of diversity and balance, where the children of Ygharis rule. Each of these deities governs a specific aspect of existence, from the natural elements to the more abstract concepts such as love, war, and knowledge. The Middle Sanctuary is a complex and vibrant realm, reflecting the diversity of the world below. It is a place where the forces of nature and spirit intermingle, creating a dynamic environment where life thrives in all its forms.   The deities of the Middle Sanctuary are numerous, each with their own domain and following. They are the caretakers of the world, ensuring that the cycles of nature continue unimpeded, and that the various aspects of existence remain in harmony. While they are powerful, they are not omnipotent like Ygharis, and they often interact with mortals, either directly or through their agents. The Middle Sanctuary is often depicted as a vast and varied landscape, with towering mountains, deep forests, and endless oceans, each representing the domain of a particular deity.  

The Under Sanctuary

  The Under Sanctuary is the shadowy realm beneath the world, ruled by Nelous, the Keeper of Secrets. It is a place of mystery and darkness, where the unknown and the forgotten reside. Unlike the light and harmony of the Upper and Middle Sanctuaries, the Under Sanctuary is a realm of shadows, where things that have no place in the light dwell. It is not a place of evil, but rather one of balance, where the darkness is respected as a necessary part of existence.   Nelous is a deity of profound wisdom and introspection, presiding over the secrets of the world and the afterlife. In the Under Sanctuary, the souls of the dead find their final rest, and the mysteries of the universe are kept hidden from those who are not yet ready to understand them. This realm is often depicted as a vast, cavernous expanse, filled with ancient ruins, deep chasms, and rivers of shadow. It is a place of quiet contemplation, where one can come to terms with the darker aspects of life and death.  

The Water Sanctuary

  The Water Sanctuary is a mystical realm that bridges the three primary sanctuaries, embodying fluidity and transformation. It is a place where the waters of life flow freely, nurturing both the land and the spirits within. This sanctuary, often depicted as serene with crystal-clear waters and mist-covered lakes, is home to water spirits and deities governing the world’s water cycles—rivers, seas, and rain.   However, water's calm exterior can be deceiving, for it also harbors The Sunken, an ancient and primordial deity of darkness. The Sunken is a being of gentleness, strength, and mystery, residing in the sanctuary's shadowy depths. His nature is mercurial; he may offer aid or destruction, reflecting the unpredictable and sometimes harsh nature of water itself.   Though the Water Sanctuary is often seen as a peaceful and serene place, the presence of The Sunken serves as a reminder that water can take many forms, not all of them kind. This duality makes the Water Sanctuary a place of both beauty and danger, where life and death flow side by side.   The Water Sanctuary also serves as a bridge between the other realms, its rivers and streams acting as pathways that connect the Upper, Middle, and Under Sanctuaries. It is a place of renewal and rebirth, where the cycles of life are maintained, and where the soul can find peace and clarity. The Water Sanctuary is essential to the balance of the world, its deities ensuring that the flow of life continues uninterrupted.


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