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The Treaty Of Gallies

The Treaty of Gallies was written after the reign of terror of Necroth. For once, the nations of the mainland agreed to ban necromancy. The rulers signed the Treaty on a stone table in the barren fields of Shuanala. Those caught committing necromantic crimes were sentenced to death with very little leeway. The royal families themselves hired certain people to form groups of hunters. For a long period of time, this was the status quo.   This treaty stood for many years, with sects of hunters growing more prominent as they sought to rid the world of dark powers. Notable groups included the Dawn Wardens and the Deathwardens. Things came to a breaking point when there was a tear between the Middle and Lower Sanctuaries. These groups fought the creatures that escaped through the tear; however, the tear could not be easily sealed with the available magic.   Lord Bristolue Hermes broke the Treaty of Gallies to save the world from the rift. He used necromantic spells and successfully closed the rift. For this action, he was not put to death but rather imprisoned in his castle, forced to stand watch over the Seal of Canterberry, which holds the tear between the realms closed. This magical act changed many things in the world. Creatures still slip out between the Sanctuaries occasionally.   This act rendered the Treaty a null point, proving that some forms of necromancy were important in protecting the people. There are now some well-known practitioners of the trade who operate under the strict scrutiny of the crown. The sects of Deathwardens and Dawn Wardens still exist today.


The Tresty of Galles was stood as a testament of the realm's resolute commitment to saving their people from such insidiuous forces.
Authoring Date
1851, 17 of the Edarr
Expiration Date
1961 , 12 of the month Tulo


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