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Thunderfall Valley

In the northwest of Stormer, In the northwestern region of Stormer, a tumultuous area known as Thunderfall Valley is shrouded by relentless storms. Once a flourishing habitat filled with vibrant flora and diverse fauna, the valley now bears the brunt of unyielding thunderstorms that engulf the landscape. There is a village nestled in the heart of this tempestuous valley, Wildbrook, which suffers from perpetual rain and perilous lightning strikes. As a result, many have fled the village, seeking refuge from the relentless deluge and the menacing bolts of electricity that now plague the region.   Despite the hardships, a resilient few villagers remain to cultivate rare herbs sought after by the healers of Drava. The village leader, Liore Lightmere, has fervently appealed to King Roland for assistance, prompting the construction of a tower by the Royal wizards to monitor and comprehend the enigmatic natural phenomena.The few theories have come up with have yet to yield any answers.   Venturing into the storm-ridden valley is a perilous endeavor, as few emerge unscathed from its harsh clutches. King Roland's concern mounts as he fears the encroachment of an Umbral Tide, which could submerge the constantly flooded valley and extinguish life within its boundaries. The prospect looms of this once-bountiful expanse transforming into a desolate, monochromatic wasteland.   With that being said some of the villagers feel, that Edarr the God of Storms is angry with them. However they haven't found any answers and have turned to a Priestess of Amalee, Kara Windrider, to perhaps help quell his anger. She awaits at the Stormwatch tower for a group of adventurer's to aid her in journey. Thw Wizards and Scholars think this a fool's errand and once she sets off she will never return like so many before.   Only one other believes her, Darius Blackwell, seasoned sailor from the Islands of the Veil who knows the wrath of Edarr all to well from his voyages with Capt. Heck of the Infernal Tempest.
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