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Tide Cleaners

There is a dedicated group of individuals who are regarded as noble and courageous due to their selfless sacrifices. These remarkable individuals are known as the Tide Cleaners, a special sect of elemental casters operating within the Order of Drava. Their duties are of paramount importance, involving the cleanup and purification of areas affected by an umbral tide. Despite the considerable risk to their own safety, they remove and cleanse whatever is possible in a commendable display of bravery and selflessness.   This task is grim work and many have perished simply for contracting umbral sickness as they remove the perished from the area. Its a job though amd they are compensated well for their grim work.



To be a Tide Cleaner one must be able to control and have a basic mastery of elemental water magic. They must also swear themselves to the service of Drava.

Payment & Reimbursement

Tide Cleaners are paid incredibly well, the money however goes to their family and some often donate their earnings to the families of the deceased.



They remove the dead from areas affected by Umbral water.

Social Status

Noble but incredibly dangerous.


A very small population of the world is able to do this job,



Tide Cleaners wear special garments made from seals in the Veil of Tears. They garments are meticously cleaned by Order of Drava between jobs and each set includes, gloves, waders, and boots. They also use special breathing aparatus that are made by GnomeTech.


There is no specfic place of work for this job. Tide Cleaners go to where the Umbral water has touched a shore line or major body of water. They called on by the Order of Drava to help remove the bodies to be delivered to Pyres of Nelous.

Provided Services

Tide Cleaners are used to come in with their elemental mastery of water to remove the dead and push any remaining umbral water back out to sea.

Dangers & Hazards

The job is incredibly dangerous as a Tide Cleaner if not careful can contract Umbral sickness if it still clinging to any dead beign removed from an effected area.
Alternative Names
Ink Walker


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Aug 30, 2024 18:05 by Evilyn Carnate

I enjoyed reading this article - it reminded me of the harbour I used to live near, where on certain tides loads of rubbish would accumulate in the corner of one of the quays and someone would have to come around and scoop it out (conventionally sadly, rather than with elemental magic). It's got me thinking about how this sort of work would be carried out in my own world...

Aug 30, 2024 19:09

I am glad you enjoyed it, I am sorry for the typos! I'd be interested how this would work in your world. I'll have to check it out.