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Tor, the port city of Portcross, is a place where shadows rule, and the law is but a whispered rumor. Nestled on the far west coast, this city remains hidden from the casual traveler, its existence known only to those who trade in secrets, gold, and blood. The air is thick with the stench of saltwater and decay, a testament to the city's crumbling infrastructure and neglected alleys.   Slavery thrives in Tor, with slavers plying their dark trade openly, dragging chained captives through the streets under the indifferent gaze of the populace. The city's many wharves are a haven for smugglers, their warehouses sprawling like tumors along the coast. Here, they store contraband—exotic spices, stolen artifacts, and dangerous substances—waiting for the right buyer or the next ship to carry the goods to distant shores.   Mercenary guilds dominate the city's power structure, each one carving out its own territory amidst the chaos. These guilds are as varied as the city itself, ranging from disciplined warriors for hire to cutthroats and assassins who revel in the city's lawlessness. Rivalries between these guilds often erupt into open conflict, turning the streets into battlegrounds where the innocent quickly learn to stay out of sight.   Despite its reputation, Tor attracts those with nowhere else to go—the desperate, the ambitious, and the lost. Many come seeking fortune, only to find themselves ensnared in the city's web of corruption. Yet, for all its darkness, there are those in Tor who seek to change its fate, whispering of resistance against the slavers and a desire to bring light to the city's blackened heart.   In Tor, trust is a rare commodity, and survival often hinges on the sharpness of one's blade or the depth of one's cunning. It is a place where dreams can be bought and sold, and where the weak are swallowed whole by the city's insatiable hunger.


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