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Umbral Water

  Currently, in Veil, there is a troubling sickness floating around the sea Umbral water, the dark water, the fading sickness, these splotches of water are a highly contagious virus that once contracted will leech the life and all color from the host until they are nigh but a colorless and lifeless husk of skin and bones. There is only one current way to save someone from Umbral water and it is the use of Prism flowers, and only has success if used immediately. A small handful of people have survived the sickness and are known as the Marked. At present, there are many rumors surrounding the cause of Umbral water. Some say Ygharis is angry again, others say the Nelous has done this. Some blame the pirates who live in the Veil for not honoring the gods enough. The Hollowveil Goblins mark the waters as a sign of the coming of Hallowveil who will purge the world in his name and remake it in his vision.


  The Umbral Water looks like a black ink cloud that floats from one place to another. The water is thick and viscous. 


  Umbral water will latch onto anything it touches. it cannot climb onto ships but it can cling to hulls, oars, anything drifting through it.


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