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Vampires in Selenia

By Levi   Throughout the forests and plains of Stormer and the Mountains of The Craglands there have been mentions of creatures of the night. Beings created from mortal men being infected with darkness. So much so that they can no longer even bear the sunlight. Those more educated know these beings to be “Vampires” the origin of Vampirism is unknown, some think it to be a curse from the gods, few believe it a blessing, but all those dwelling in Stormer and The Craglands have heard what the night walkers are capable of; faster than the eye can see, fangs and nails as long as daggers and just as sharp. Most survivors will note that their minds were at the will of the creature; feeling compelled to obey them and allow them to feast upon their blood, and after they have left their victim drained of life and blood, they will leave in a blur of shadow, not to be seen again until the following night. Most vampires act alone and for their own interests defending their territory. However there are a few small groups of vampires forming a “family” of sorts. These covens have never been seen to be over 5 distinct vampire members where any others are merely slaves or cult members sworn into their service.


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