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Ygharis (EGG-Ris)

Ygharis, the revered Mother Goddess, holds a place of profound significance in the world’s creation myths. As one of the four elder gods, Ygharis is believed to have been integral in the formation of all life, her essence woven into the very fabric of existence. Her realm is the source of all living creatures, born from the divine dreams of this primordial deity.   Story:   In the ancient tales of creation, Ygharis is one of four siblings who shaped the world from its inception. According to these myths, all living beings were crafted from Ygharis’s dreams, imbuing them with her sacred essence. This makes Ygharis the ultimate source of life, encompassing all that exists and providing a divine connection between the world and its creator.     As the Mother Goddess, Ygharis is seen as being in everything, her influence felt in the natural world and the lives of all beings. Her presence is a constant reminder of the sacred bond between life and the divine.   Prayer:   "Sacred mother, eternal beacon of hope, I come to you in my times of trouble. Cleanse my mind so I may repel the evil forces. I beg this of you on both my knees, o fire in our souls. Exalt me with your sacred warmth."   Legacy:   Ygharis's influence permeates every aspect of life and nature. Her teachings emphasize gratitude, acceptance, and the continuous improvement of the world, guiding her followers to live in harmony with her divine essence. As the eternal Mother Goddess, Ygharis remains a central figure in the spiritual and natural realms, embodying the sacred bond between creation and the divine.

Divine Domains

The Upper Sanctuary

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A Bouquet of Flowers with Antlers: This symbol represents the fertility and nurturing aspects of Ygharis, combining the natural beauty of flowers with the strength and protection implied by antlers.  
  The Sun with a Wreath of Flowers: Symbolizing the life-giving power of the sun and the renewal brought by flowers, this sigil reflects Ygharis’s role as a source of life and growth.   Prism Flowers: These flowers signify the diversity and beauty of life created by Ygharis, capturing the essence of her creative dreams.

Tenets of Faith

You shall be grateful for any kindness given to you: Emphasizing the importance of gratitude and recognition for the blessings one receives.   You shall not condemn people for the way they were born, for they too are Ygharis' creation: Advocating for acceptance and understanding of all individuals as part of Ygharis’s divine design.   You shall try to leave the world a better place than you found it, for others come after you: Encouraging actions that improve the world for future generations.   You shall fight the darkness wherever it may show: Inspiring followers to confront and dispel malevolent forces.


Ygharis Day is celebrated on the Spring Equinox, a time of renewal and growth. The day is marked by offerings made at Ygharis’s temples, with the intent to ensure that life continues to flourish and be bountiful. The celebration includes rituals that honor the goddess’s role in creation and reaffirm the connection between the divine and the natural world.   During Ygharis Day, followers express their gratitude and seek blessings for a prosperous and harmonious year ahead. The rituals and offerings are a testament to the enduring reverence for Ygharis as the mother of all life.
Divine Classification
Dark Blue
Long Celestial strands of the heavens,
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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