The Vine and Chain Building / Landmark in The Vine and Chain OneShots | World Anvil
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The Vine and Chain

The Vine and Chain is a wood and stone two story building with a tavern downstairs and rooms for rent above.   Outside hangs a sign announcing the name of the establishment; three Ds interlocked at the top. An old wooden door gives way to a usually bustling tavern. To the left, a long bar extends almost the length of the wall; leading from wall to the kitchen entrance. Several long tables dominate the main room and a large stone fireplace is across from the bar. A small stage is built into the north eastern corner with smaller tables set in front of it. The decor is is mainly weapons; all styles and sizes and make, from a vast number of cultures. While decorative in function, they are clearly well kept and can serve in times of need. Upstairs, several rooms of varying size, both private and communal, are available for short and long term rent.   It is said the establishment boasts the best wine collection in the area and several exotic and hard to come by bottles can be purchased there. Also Elven delicacies often times make an appearance on the menu thanks to Di'ril's discerning tastes.   Rumors swirl about the strange noises that once came from the Vine and Chain in the months following the new owner's taking control. They have since stopped but questions remain.


All manners of people can be found in the Vine and Chain, from weary travelers to world-worn adventurers.


Won by Dalena Southerton - current owner - a decade ago in a game of cards. She and her family refurbished the building, renaming it The Vine and Chain, and spent the subsequent years building up its reputation as not only a place to rest from the road but a busy epicenter for those looking for adventure.
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