
Basic Information


Carbiters are small (25 cm) six-legged omnivores that have been discovered on Carengar. While no sentient life had been discovered or observed during the exploration, Carbiters have been discovered eating wheat type crops. They do not seem attracted to other crops and scientists are investigating how best to combat the small creatures while preserving the crops grown and not wiping out the species.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Carbiters are nocturnal, making it difficult to initially identify what was destroying the wheat crops. They are able to pull down the wheat stalks, grab the grain, and take it to storage areas that are located in unfarmed areas of the countryside.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Basic social structure appears to be a family, usually between 5 and 40 Carbites.


Their existence has not been known long enough to decide if they can be domesticated.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

No specific use for Carbiters has been found yet. Scientists are trying to understand what their pre-settlement diet was or if there is some natural wheat-like plants or crops. Since all this is relatively new, there are many unanswered questions, although the Navy has taken notice as the destruction of the crops has impacted the ability of Carengar to provide essential food.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They have only been found on one of the continents, however tests are underway to see if wheat is planted on other continents, if Carbites find the wheat and start foraging.

Average Intelligence

They have the intelligence of a squirrel, able to hunt for their food, attempt to avoid predators, find safe places to inhabit and protect their young, families, and food.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Carbites appear to have hearing and eyesight typical of an animal of it's size and intelligence.
6 years
Average Height
about 15 cm
Average Weight
around 0.5 kg
Average Length
about 25 cm
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Carbiters are generally a brown color, blending well into their background during daylight.
Geographic Distribution


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