4th Age Myth in The Void | World Anvil
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4th Age

The 4th Age was a 23 year long age during which the states of Aesalia were locked in a bloody world war. Starting as a conflict between the Falaran Empire and its colonies it came to include their rivals the Golden Expanse who in turn led to the inclusion of the Jade Empire of Renmin and a coalition of the tribes of Koanga.
  The war ended after the Elves of Liadon attempted to play diplomacy with the two nations after two decades of war. Unbeknownst to the Elves the two factions were already engaged in secret talks and were outraged by the games being played by this new nation that sought to tip the balance of power. Seeing a common cause a ceasefire was agreed to ensure the Elves didn't leave to a reignition in hostilities that were beginning to settle.
  Following the total eradication of Liadon a treaty of unification was signed echoing in the 5th Age with the formation of the Magaran Empire.

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