Tathamite Organization in The Void | World Anvil
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The Tathamite faith is the main religion of the Imperial Tathamite Church and the wider Aesalian Empire. Considered by many scholars to be one of, if not the, oldest surviving religion in the empire its adherents vary from though reguarly attending sermons to more passive participants who primarily take parts on the larger festivities.

Cosmological Views

The Tathamite faith decrees that all things were created from the conflict of Tatham and Medrash. Tatham, the god of order, created the planets, life and order whilst Medrash, the god of chaos, sought its upheavel creating death, disaster and deceit. Their conflict and clash guides all that exists with the lesser deities serving as lieutenants of their fight with ever shifting loyalties.    Tathamites attest that through their prayers Tatham is empowered and able to better ensure stability and order brining golden ages and fortune upon their people. By contrast failures of faith or worse worship of Medrash leads to instability and ages of chaos. Prayers to the lesser gods act as means to turn them towards order whilst ensuring their favour falls upon those who serve order not chaos.   Since the Iconoclasts killed several deities in a series of blasphemous rituals at the end of the 5th Age the gods have been silent to prayers. The Imperial Tathamite Church has anounced that this is due to Tatham turning his back on the mer and that only through their ernest supplication can they hope to earn worthiness in his eyes.
Religious, Organised Religion

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