Donald Knight

Donald Knight

Donald Knight, Son of Lord Reginald and Lady Elizabeth Knight, Former Wine Merchant, and Speaker/Negotiator/Diplomat of the Cosmic Convergence

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Thin, somewhat atrophied Very little muscle or fat tissue Neither strong nor agile Shorter than average Afflicted by a blood disease

Body Features

Smooth skin Soft hands Very little body hair

Facial Features

Soft green eyes Clean white teeth Well trimmed goatee Maticulously combed and groomed hair

Identifying Characteristics

Abnormally pale skin Occasionally bloodshot eyes Vibrant red hair

Physical quirks

Right handed Occasionally walks with a bad limp Posh accent

Special abilities

Blood disease might be a result of a family curse

Apparel & Accessories

Finely tailored 3-piece suit made from high-end wool Fine silk gloves Fine travel boots Occasionally wears a top hat and scarf Ornately carved family cane

Specialized Equipment

Handcannon SMG Layered cloth armor Leather armored bracers Leather armored boots

Mental characteristics

Personal history

I was born the son of a wealthy wine merchant in our family estate on the planet of Ahniar, of the Ka'Alum Federation. I lived a very comfortable life with my three siblings, my late uncle, and my maid, learning the family trade and some fancy medical tricks from Uncle Lex before I set off on my own.


Heterosexual Extremely attracted to Humans Attracted to Timanièm Attracted to Ba’Waikh Attracted to Je’ehl Possibly attracted to Talath Open to most other sentient/esoteric species


Private tutoring and schooling Graduate of Paelok Bay University, Bachelors in Intergalactic Business Studies, Associates in Hemotology


Wine Merchant Occasionally, Volunteer Nurse at Paelok Bay Hospital

Accomplishments & Achievements

University graduate

Failures & Embarrassments

I lost a capital class cargo ship, the Crimson King, to a bunch of pirates

Mental Trauma

I suffer from occasional night terrors, either from the memory of losing my ship or the death of my uncle

Intellectual Characteristics

Anatomy (Specialization in Blood and Veins) Commerce Enquiry Expression (Specialization in Diplomacy) Intrigue Socialization Lore Streetwise

Morality & Philosophy

Never waste a single coin Family comes first Avoid violence when it's unnecessary You reap what you sow


Despises casino gambling Abhors underage drinking

Personality Characteristics


Break the family curse Get back my ship

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Great diplomacy and negotiation skills Intelligent and a quick thinker Pretty decent at agriculture, brewing, and cooking Slow and sluggish Can barely lift anything above 20 lbs

Likes & Dislikes

Likes wine, money, women, knowledge, making deals, helping people out, and the color red Dislikes needless violence, wasting money, trechery, tight spaces, rodents, and the color magenta

Virtues & Personality perks

Good at deescalation Willing to compromise Handsome

Vices & Personality flaws

Very defensive of his family name and company Likes Crimson Knight Wine way too much Values money and status Cannot resist a pretty face Utterly helpless in a physical fight


Meticulous when it comes to his hair and teeth Washes daily to protect from germs Prefers clean and organized spaces Can work in incredibly unsanitary conditions if needs be


Contacts & Relations

Merchant's Guild Eternal Alliance Knight Family Cosmic Convergence

Family Ties

Strong relationship with his parents, Lord Reginald and Lady Elizabeth Close relationship with his brothers Robert and Griffon Best friends with his sister Jacklyn Best friends with his late uncle Alexander Acts as a mentor to Ano Ano when she's around

Religious Views

Atheist, but seen enough weird stuff to begin questioning the idea of a higher power

Social Aptitude

Charismatic and flirtatious Very confident while speaking Can easily read a social situation Extremely persuasive and sociable Refined manners Somewhat pretentious and overconfident in his social skills


Tips his top hat when he greets people Always prefers to drink from a wine glass, even if it's just water

Hobbies & Pets

Cooking Studying the cardiovascular system Wine tasting


Speaks with an accent Likes to use big words to convey his ideas

Wealth & Financial state

71,215 Dhin Majority share holder of The Hand of Fate

Diplomat, merchant, sharpshooter, intellectual, master wordsmith, and devilishly handsome. Youngest of the Knight Family, makers of the famous Crimson Knight Wine, who seeks to break his family's curse and reunite with his capital ship, the Crimson King.

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Honorary & Occupational Titles
Speaker of the Cosmic Convergence
Knight Manor
Current Residence
The Hand of Fate, ship of the Cosmic Convergence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
5 ft 10 in
110 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Not with that attitude!" "There is no problem that can't be solved with diplomacy." "Bribery is illegal and morally suspect, but very effective."