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The Highlands

The Highlands are a favored getaway for the elite of Sembia. The rolling green hills and freshwater lakes frequently feature a prominent (or well hidden) estate where the wealthy can enjoy the view of the Thunder Peaks.   Most people in the area live by farming, forming dozens of small towns around the countryside.   Recently, people have been concerned that the Blue Keep, well in the north of the Highlands, hasn't been able to keep order. Attacks rise from rogue beasts, organized bands of criminals, and many things in between. In response, many have taken to forming militias to defend where the Blue Keep won't.  

The Blue Keep

  The Base of Operations for House Aubirrel of Exaltia.  


  Often referred to as The Heart of the Highlands, Balemorrow is the center of a verdant forest, cool meandering rivers.  


  If you wish to travel to Stormfall by the Altieres mountain pass, you will first stop by Expedition.  


  This town acts as a hub for many of the smaller nearby farming villages.  


  An elder town, Jotunheim is best known for being a gateway to the Stone Hollow.  

Loch Maelen

  A small town at the edge of Castore family territory.  

Loch Raines

  At the intersection of the West and the East of the Highlands, Loch Raines has become the unexpected epicenter of a crime war.  

Two Rivers

  Two Rivers is a hub for many rich estates in the Highlands.  


  A small collection of villages at the base of the Thunder Peaks, near the Stone Hollow.  


  A military stronghold that oversees the Amber Sea.
Rolling Hills


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