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The Scarlet Eye

Helm is the god of protection and vigilance. He was once a powerful and well-loved god, but after he destroyed Mystra (the goddess of magic), he largely fell out of popular favor. Many now consider him an inflexible god, preferring to follow orders rather than do the right thing.   The Scarlet Eye was founded over a century ago by five knights. Influenced heavily by the many warlocks and cults of death that had risen on Faerun, they believed that the world was losing itself to the influence of dark forces, and that only their influence could hope to save it.   Today, the Scarlet Eye has fortresses in many parts of Sembia. They often launch missions into Cormanthor. Where they find cults of undeath or demons, they are ruthless. They will capture or kill all who have aided their enemies, often torturing them while reading from their scripture. They often refer to themselves as Inquisitors, and seek to exterminate both the undead and any who would seek to raise them.      


  Members of the Scarlet Eye often carry books that contain prose and quotes from mythical archetypes of order. They are known to read from them as they torture their quarry.  

Verses of The Champion

Into dark Faerûn doth fall,
Far from the distant pallid sun.
We’ve naught but flame to light our path,
With courage found I’ll see it done.

Verses of The Inqisitor

For if there is a storm on high, there must surely be chaos below.
Hold high your Sigil, and bear proudly the flaming eye. And if this alone does not sap the will of your quarry, then spare one soul to spread the legend of our wrath.
Their song is obscured by the icy night wind,
Just beyond the glow of our embers.
Is it the mewling of the common dog,
Desperate to prove his way home?
Or is it the wailing howl of the wolf,
The war song to lead his vicious clan?
And when the wind blows fierce,
And the fire goes dark,
And all prey but we remain unfound.
When all we hear is howling and all we see are fangs:
Does one have the time to weigh the difference between the vagrant pet and the savage pack?

Verses of The Soldier

The very ground you stand upon is made of the remains of people who thought they deserved a second chance.
That's the thing about chains: each piece is singly responsible for holding the whole thing together.
Ao had many children, but only one was charged to guard the Outer Planes from the rest. It was only Helm, The Watcher, when confronted by Mystrah, who had the resolve to keep his watch.

Verses of The Mother

Like Helm before you, you may be the last guard between the unworthy mob and your home. But take heart, Champion, for you are charged to defend it as long as it is yours. And it shall remain yours for as long for as you hold your steel.


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