1.1 Hall of Statues

  • The door to L1.2 is sealed shut due to warped wood and needs to be broken down.
  • Bashing the door in
  • vs +d10!
  • Note: Every Check causes a random encounter roll unless the basher Multitasks
  • This room introduces a running theme of open-ended, and reflective, questions with the statues
  • These questions don't have an in-world objective answer - they're meant to be a reflection of the character's state
  • Description
  • There are 4 diases, 2 on either side of the room. All have bowls but all but one alcove have statues
  • The missing statue has been cruelly removed: chipped at the base
  • There are some chips & pebbles in the stonework that might indicate it was dragged back towards the exit
  • This statue now rests at The Buried Pyre
  • the dishes are empty except for a single gold coin
  • it is a Xenoid
  • Each statue reminds you of one of your companions
  • Go around the table, asking each player in turn what companion the statues remind them
  • After that, ask them what mood the statue appears to be in

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