2.2 Corpse-eater's Den

Possible Threats
  • Iygin
  • Wants to go deeper into the crypes to find more 'seasoned' bodies to eat
  • Will hide this (and his condition) from characters
  • Knows about the Chokers in L2.6
  • They're what keeps him from going deeper
  • While he's with the party, rats won't attack
  • If he dies, they'll go beserk: +3 Atk & Dmg
  • "Little Iggy"
  • Iygin's pet Giant Rat
  • Stays on Iygin's shoulder
  • Description
  • A rather barren room
  • Up the stairs is a pile of nasty smelling cloth and a collection of knick knacks
  • Iygin's bed
  • The knacks are all useless junk
  • A statue that depicts a pillar of snakes and wolves, rising out from the ground: in each of their mouths, they hold a sword or ax
  • Ask each player what emotion they feel when they see the statue
  • After everyone has answered, go around the table and ask why

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