3.4 Pit Bottom

Only Normal at Noon
  • Shin-Deep Water Penalties
  • Defense: -1 Dice Size (d12!) - Armor Skill Adj
  • Start at a Crawl, Jog/Run/Sprint cause 1 Damage / sec
  • This is the bottom of the pit
  • Threats
  • Huge Bruiser Ooze hidden in the pool
  • It will attack if disturbed
  • 2 Assassin Vines along the edges of the pit
  • They will attack if the ooze is disturbed
  • A big ol' pile of trash, debris in a shin-deep pool of water
  • Obstacle
  • Difficulty: +1d10!+d20! (due to the water)
  • Replace the Success condition with rolling on the following table
  • Once something has been found, if it gets rolled again, say "You didn't find anything this time but you think there might still be something in there
  • When everything is found, success becomes "You're confident there's nothing else left"
  • 2 Boons: additional roll on table
  • Roll (d8) Result
    1 A Pseudopod Salve w/ 3 applications
    a violet-colored liquid that seems to move on
    its own in a steel vial, covered in cloth
    2 A well-balanced (6) copper, juggling knife.
    2 Wear / 33.6 sc
    3 A fragile (4), unobtrusive (2) poison container
    ring. 6 Wear / 21 sc
    4 A set of ergonomic (2), side-padded (6)
    lockpicks. 2 Wear / 12 sc
    5 239 cc 15 sc 16 gc
    6 939 cc 27 sc 7 gc
    7 15 cc 56 sc 2 gc
    8 567 cc 28 sc 3 gc


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