3.6 Ossuary

  • 4 Giant Rats scuttling around the shelves
  • They will attack when shelves are looted
  • 2d4! Giant Rats each time the characters re-enter the room after a random encounter check
  • 8 Skeleton hiding at the top of the shelves
  • They will attack when the shelves are looted
  • 2 Assassin Vines
  • Hanging by the ceiling near the door
  • Description
  • A set of stone shelves with skeletons laid out, many with small offerings
  • The following items can be found on the shelves
  • Talisman of Metalworking
  • Talisman of Move Silently
  • A folded burlap gambeson dyed reddish violet with gray stitching. It has fur-trimming (8)
  • 1 Wear / 31.5 sc
  • A metal-plated (4) canvas ferroniere that smells of roses
  • 4 Wear / 45 sc
  • 4 alm scripts (2 Favor each)
  • In the center are two zampognas
  • one is fine-tuned (4) with ebony wood pipes and a sack of erlking leather
  • 10 Wear / 506.25 sc
  • The other is made with cocobolo wood pipes and a sack of human skin. Its fine-tune (4) but also waxed (8) and thie pipes are large (4)
  • 10 Wear / 412.5 sc

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