
States And playing around with the idea of having elves organize themselves into conferences and camps. Camps Camps are family units based around common beliefs. Elvish tribes are called 'camps' because they're camps in two senses.   I don't think that tribal lines are based on family actually. I think that they are based on ideological beliefs. So you go to the camp that you most ideologically align to.   And one of those things is kind of the discarding of family. Family bonds just don't mean as much to them. So at a certain point, you leave your birth camp and travel the world, and try to find your home camp. You're expected to settle down there and have children, even if you later leave. Maybe that's part of the propagation of the species: if you join a camp, it is expected that you will have children. It is a social pressure. If you then leave and join another camp, you were expected to have children there. This is probably very confusing to the humans who really fundamentally care about family and so such a cavalier attitude to people that you might spend decades with is seen as flighty and non-committal. Whereas elves see humans instinct to protect family members who are clearly in the wrong and who have personally hurt them in the past as hard-headed and stupid. Blind, even. Why would you give your life for a camp that you fundamentally disagree with? Why would you give your life to protect somebody whose only real relationship to you is accidental? From the elf perspective. Conferences Conferences are elective superstructures that are a way of mediating intertribal problems because the worst thing that could happen for elves is that they start fighting amongst each other and that means that the humans and the orcs win. So having a regional based United Nations for the elves as a way of solving problems works.   But that doesn't mean a camp won't rebel and start feuding, especially if they become really powerful: It's just that there's some commonly agreed way of escalating disputes. As for how religion mixes into that, I think probably it's fairly personal. Paragon acolytes basically are independent and there's no greater clerical hierarchy. Paragon cults might also be cross tribal in the same way that Sufism is. It's another way of resolving disputes as they serve as diplomats. ELVES WON’T KILL OTHER ELVES - a strict, cultural anathema Maybe it could be that conferences are divided along larger ideological lines. So while camps have a lot of different opinions about stuff, you could kind of have conferences represent larger trends and that would sort of be divided by geographical location because I think that there would just be a drift in that direction. But I also think that there's more geographical overlap with conferences as compared to other forms. I think that the options for large scale opinions are probably something like Openly fight humans Rhone, Juwanga, Wastes of Freslorf, and seas Secretly sabotage humans / work with humans to steal from them The valley, Vipling Ignore humans / Do their own thing Sern, Kiend, Al, Plensch, Wastes of Freslorf   But of course I think they're a minor conferences as well: these are just the major ones. Minor Conferences could be splits from major ones but hold the same believes as their parent or they can hold unpopular views   Although there can probably be an axis of conferences that relate to orc relationships and that might be a conflict within the elf nations currently. It's only been 30 years so they're probably still discussing and bickering and dividing themselves based on their approach to orcs, which could be some good campaign fodder for GMs. Openly fight orcs Kiend, Plensch, the seas Secretly sabotage orcs / work with orcs to steal from them   Ignore orcs / do their own thing Wastes of Freslorf   There's probably a 'conference' for elves that have completely cut ties and joined fully embraced human and orc society. They reject everything about elvish culture and try to integrate.


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