Covenant of the Old Gods

by Azgaar
When the orcs Invaded, their gods didn't come with them, leaving their priests abandoned in this new world. Some abandoned these gods while others started to adopt the local religions. But there were some that refused to give up their old beliefs. These are those that were radicalized into the Covenant of the Old Gods.  

Basic Beliefs

  • The Old Gods aren't in the Middle Realm
  • But they are coming
  • We must prepare ourselves for their return
  • The Old Gods know us so we must know them
  • Their names are largely forgotten so they must be found
  • Their natures are orcish/human/elvish

  • Holy Sites, Temples, & Rituals

    The main holy sites of the Covenant are points where large Invasions have come through. Many of the elvish Invasion points have been forgotten, and humans don't believe there are human Invasion points, but the orcs have kept care notes and locations of where they came through.   And, to a lesser extent, small Invasion points - points where normal monsters have come through - are also held as sacred, if just less important.   At these locations, Covenanters will flock to study and wait for their gods' arrival.  

    Common Motifs

    Chains are the most common motif, with many Covenanters getting chain tattoos in highly visible locations. Some even wear bands of metal around their necks and cuffs to signify their devotion.  

    Hierarchy & Leadership

    The Covenant is pervasive but not common, except in places where the hordes were defeated (like the Freslorf Clans and Free Clans). Covenanters aren't secret about their worship but are mostly tolerated by the other faiths as they're largely benign.   The Covenant has no priests (since they can't have priests since their gods only exist as a theoretical) but there are disignated 'priests' who do know some of the names of the gods and know some of their rituals or have been able to recreate them. These 'priests' tend to be wizards and sages but that is only a trend and not a rule.  

    Notable Members


    Common Theological Questions

    What are Invasions?

    It is unknown what Invasions are and Covenanters will generally believe the explanation given to them by the local, dominant religion.  

    What is beyond the Mountains?

    An endless waste.  

    What are the Divines?

    Divines are the gods of other ancestries that have already come to the Middle Realm. They were the gods of the Erstvolk, who've since died out. They're proof that the Old Gods are coming.


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