Cult of the Cat

by Azgaar
The Cult of the Cat worships the being called Vous, who eternally battles her husband, Rhoda, the founder of the Cult of the Bird. While it started as an elite religion among the nobles of Kiend, the Cult of the Cat has spread, bringing its eternal struggle with its sister religion with it.  

Basic Beliefs

  • Vous is a being of great power
  • Greater than the Divines and the Ancestors
  • They're all knowing and all power
  • They battle their husband, Rhoda, who is evil and wishes to remake the world in his image: one without death, only suffering
  • Only by spreading the religion and killing Bird Cultists can Kiend be free

  • Holy Sites, Temples, & Rituals

    The Cult of the Cat has no major holy sites or temples. Instead, each family of worshippers has familial shrine where they offer sacrifices in return for Vous's knowledge, which they can then use in their war with the Cult of the Bird.  

    Common Motifs

    The cat, typically the panthar or lion is used but the house cat is not uncommon.  

    Hierarchy & Leadership

    At the head of the religion is the queen, Vous, who has shared his knowledge with the Worthies, typically the noblity of the Barony of Kiend.   Below her, all are equal, although she does sometimes appoint temporarily leaders to serve specific purposes. Otherwise, she expects her followers to organize and exercise her will without her direct oversight.   Even still, she has no clerics or servants. Instead, followers of the Cult of the Cat are typically Weird-Adepts and magic users. Their knowledge of spellcasting, sometimes even the ability to spellcast, are gifts from her.  

    Average Kiendmen

    While not members of the Cult directly, the average Kiendman does have a positive association with the it. They see them like we see the Free Masons but a bit more positively. For the common Kiendman, they just really don't like the Welb more than anything, having been in a border feud with them for centuries so the main motivation for them supporting the cult isn't religious in nature.  

    Notable Members


    Common Theological Questions

    What are Invasions?

    Invasions are the result of summoning magic brought about by the Cult of the Bird. It is a way to bring more life that usurp the current, blessed order of being, and fill the world with monsters.

    What is beyond the Mountains?

    More land that can be used.

    What are the Divines?

    The Divines are just lesser spirits: magic users who've died but their magical essence remains, a fragment of their lost power.


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