Cult of the Father

by Azgaar
In the Dominion of Drangsdt there is no separation between church and state: both serve to fortify the other. Thus the Cult of the Father is Drangsdt and Drangsdt is the Cult of the Father.  

Basic Beliefs

  • The Patrician is an incarnation of the Father
  • Those that disobey the Father are heretics
  • Heretics will be punished with eternal damnation
  • For the good of the people, heresy must be purged
  • For the good of the people, outside influences must be pervented
  • The ends will always justify the means

  • Holy Sites, Temples, & Rituals

    The cult is based out of the Stronghold of Se, but it is not open to the common folk and serves as a holy city where priests are inducted and trained. Heretics are also purged within the underground dungeons as well.   Still, pilgrams regularly come to the walls of the Stronghold to pray for blessings and protection.  

    Common Motifs

    The lamp above the void, representing the Patrician and the danger of sin, is the most common motif of the faith.  

    Hierarchy & Leadership

    The Father is the head of the Cult, officially: an enigmatic, godlike figure that is constantly reborn in the Patrician, who serves as the defacto head of the cult. They are two and one.   Below that are the Fatherling Captains, leaders of the faith who command hand selected cabals of warrior-priests that travel throughout the Drangsdt valley, rooting out and purging heresies.   Beside them is the Ministry: an organization based out of Innue. They process slaves being brought in, indoctrinating them before their relocation within the valley. They also control the public school system, hospitals, and work management, all of which are free to the members of the Dominion. They have a special Fatherling Captain assigned to them by the Patrician.  

    Notable Members


    Common Theological Questions

    What are Invasions?

    Invasions are sins made manifest. When a person sins, it is changed into a devil that than manifests in the world.  

    What is beyond the Mountains?

    Nothing: only the void.  

    What are the Divines?

    The Divines are false gods: devils who've managed to increase their power by consuming weaker devils. In this way, they're able to stay within the void and influence the Middle Realm. When one sins, it literally creates a devil that the Divines can consume so sinning directly makes the world worse.


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